Bucket of Blood

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°•Cristianos pov•°

"Geo, there's a note at the door!" I yelled, my hands shaking as I picked it up.

The whole family gathered around the table, including Y/ns mum.

It was folded. Ronaldo unfolded it, and I saw splatters of blood.

"What does it say?" Georgia said sharply.

"If you don't send us one hundred thousand, the girl dies. If she isn't dead already." He read.

"If she isn't dead already, what does that mean! She can't be dead!" I said, panicking.

"We have to find her!" Georgia said desperately.

"You think?!" I yelled.

"CRISTIANO! Calm down." Ronaldo yelled back.

A knock came at the door. I raced to it and opened the door, having no idea what I was about to see.

A bucket. Full of a dark red liquid. Blood.

A note was pushed up next to it.

"Come to this address ######## in ten minutes with the money, or she dies. Yes, this is the answer to your question. This is her blood."

Y/ns mum gasped.

"That's a lot of blood." She said tears ran down her pale face.

Ronaldo ran to the car, taking me with him. We both jumped in and rushed to the given address.

"This is going to be dangerous. I want you to stay in the cat just in case something happens." He ordered as we sped to the destination.

I didn't reply.

He slammed on the brakes as we arrived.

Before he could do anything, I leapt out of the car and ran towards the building.

"Y/n!" I screamed. There was no reply.

I heard a shuffle.

"The boy has arrived. No money." Someone said sharply.

I was grabbed by the throat, a knife pressed against it.

My dad came running in.

"Get your hands off of him." He snarled.

"Hand over the money, and both him and the girl can go."

"Alright. Let's settle this luke the men we are." Ronaldo yelled, punching the man and twisting the kinfie out of his hand. I stamped on the man's face, blood bursting everywhere.

"There's no one else that I can see, so let's hurry and find Y/n." Ronaldo instructed I could tell he was mad at me.

I was the one who found her first. She lay in a pool of her own blood. Naked.

I burst through the door and screamed for my dad. She lay motionless.

She had to be alive.

My dad came in a look of terror on his face when he saw her body.

"There is a possibility she has been raped. We need to get her out of here." My dad said, taking his jacket off and wrapping it around her body.

I picked her up and followed my dad to the car. I put her down in the back and strapped her in.

I sat next to her, making sure she sat upright.

My dad called the police and ambulance before getting into the car and racing to the hospital.

"Her second time here." He said, helping me get her out. Doctors rushed over and loaded her onto a stretcher and covered her in sheets.

My dad talked to the police and they went off to the place we found Y/n.

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