I baked cookies Heichou!

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A loud groan came from a young man who continued to clean the windows that he was stationed to do. "Why the hell are we cleaning right when we get here?! It already looked spotless when we stepped in!" 

 "Jean stop complaining already and finish those windows." 

 "We could be training right now, I'll take cleaning." 

 "Shut it Connie you were complaining not too long ago." Jean scowled wiping the window again. "You too Reiner." 

 Reiner held his hands up. "Hey I'm just saying we could be." 

 "Will you all just stop talking and get back to work already? We won't get dinner if we don't finish...and I'm sooooo hungry..." 

 "Food is all you can think about Sasha." Connie looked over from wiping the floor behind her. 

 Sasha sighed sweeping the floor. "I was given little at lunch so I'm starving..." 

 "What I also don't get is what happen to Eren, he's a child now?" 

 "He had hit his head causing him to lose all his memory from after he was five. Therefore making him act like he is still five years old." 

 "Bertolt can you help me here I can't reach it." 

 The taller boy nodded going over to help. 

 Jean scowled once more ringing out his now wet rag. "Now because he is a kid he won't do shit and is being babied by Mikasa!" 

 Off in a room Mikasa along with Armin tried their luck with the brunet."Eren please can you listen to us?" Armin calmly said holding his hands up. 

 "No! Petra nee-chan said that after I got through before I can play for once!" Eren pouted; despite not being able to be with Levi the boy still wished to play. 

 "Eren but we need for you to do something with us." Mikasa tried next. 

 The brunet looked at them arms crossed and pouting. "....What is it?" 

 Before they could speak, Sasha came in stopping them. "Mikasa, Armin, they want you out in the stables." 

 "Okay, Eren stay here and once we're back we'll tell you what we needed to tell you." Mikasa told him before quickly going out with Armin. 

"But I want to play!" The brunet whined flailing his arms around. 

 Sasha looked at him an idea coming to mind. "Hey hey Eren! You said you wanted to play a game right?" 

 Looking her way, the boy nodded; tears swelled up in his eyes when he couldn't play yet. 

 "You know where the kitchen is right?" 

 He thought about it before nodding again. 

"Show me where that is and I'll show you a fun game!" 

Eren instantly cheered up as he stood. "Yay!" 

 "Sasha what are you doing?" Connie came up to the both of them when they came out of the room. 

"I'm having Eren here show me the kitchen! I'm starving Connie I need to eat!" The potato girl whined holding her stomach for more effect. 

 Connie crossed his arms still holding a rag. "You're gonna get in trouble if you are caught." 

 "That's why I'm not! Come on Eren so I can show you that new game!" Sasha grabbed the boy's arm dragging him away. 

 "Oh this won't end well not one bit..." 

{SnK} BondsWhere stories live. Discover now