They're flying! B-But I'm one of...T-Them

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Jean blinked looking at the brunet before him. "You wanna what?"

"L-Let me help you all clean..."

"You never offered before." Reiner stopped what he was doing turning to face them. "Why the sudden change?"

"W-Well I thought I-I'd finally start h-helping..."

Christa came up to Eren gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "You okay Eren? You seem more...scared."

Eren waved his hand laughing a bit nervously. "I-I'm okay Christa nee-chan, I just want to help...p-please."

"Let the boy help." Ymir tossed him a rag. "Help clean the windows."

He caught it nodding; the boy went off to clean the windows.

"What was that for Ymir?" Sasha asked snacking on some food she took from the kitchen.

"I'm letting him help, what else was I doing?"

"But we can easily clean on our own, and we're not suppose to have him clean with us." Bertolt added in holding the broom in his hand.

Ymir rolled her eyes. "Oh please he has to remember eventually right? We would do better if we actually helped him along."

Connie stopped dusting turning to face them. "Should he really remember what happened back at Trost so soon? Especially since he still has the mind of a five year old? It's too much for a kid to handle."

"It's either that or he doesn't remember at all Connie. Which would you prefer?" Sasha swallowed the food in her mouth.

"Hey I do like this five year old Eren. He listens."

Christa turned back to him. "Connie! Eren has to remember again!"

"And why's that Christa?" Jean stopped dusting crossing his arms. "This is the first time that he hasn't been going on about killing all the Titans and about that stupid...whatever he called all of that. If anything he should stay the way he is-"

"Eren is not staying as a five year old."

Jean jumped as he turned backing away a bit.

"Mikasa! Armin!" Christa called out when the two came in.

"In reality Eren isn't technically 5 anymore, more like he's 12ish again." Armin restated after Mikasa's statement.



"Well two days ago Eren got into this idea on wanting to be an adult. So he asked mine and Mikasa's help. Eren and Mikasa got into an argument and he told us of how he knew the responsibility of an adult by when...he watched his mother die...."

Mikasa pulled up the scarf a bit. "We never told him about his mother, so he's starting to remember things. Probably because he's around those who would trigger the memories. He's been in his room the last two days doing who knows what. But we think that if he's around you all he will remember what happened during training and possibly up until Trost."

Everyone grew quiet when she mentioned for them to help Eren gain his memories back. Just by being around them? And do what exactly? Just let him hang out?

"And what exactly are we gonna do with him?" Jean asked after some time passed.

"Just let him be around you all. Don't remind him, but let him remember on his own. If you be familiar with him, and/or help him with things then it should help him remember things."

Christa nodded. "We can do that; yeah we'll help in having him remember again."

"Are we really gonna-"

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