I love Levi!

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Levi looked down at the brunet who laid in bed, panting, face flushed with his dark brown hair suck with sweat to his face. He would have liked it better if the conditions were a bit different, but not like this.

Eren panted greatly shaking at how cold he was. He pulled the blankets around him more despite how hot he felt in them.

"Well shitty glasses?"

"He has a high fever, probably from standing out in the rain a few days ago in the dress."

"So it is your fault why am I not surprised."

"That isn't my fault! You both went out there! I'm surprised you didn't get sick either. Oh you would make such a cute-!"

Levi kicked her in the gut sending her flying back. "Call me fucking cute again and next time I'll kick your shitty face in."

Hanji cackled slowly getting up from the floor holding her stomach.

Erwin shook his head looking back down at the boy. "He needs to stay in bed and rest this off, we can't afford for him to get worse. Hanji you'll continue to monitor his state, Levi watch over him and inform Hanji if he gets any worse."

The raven waved him off his gaze returning to the brunet. It unnerved him to see the boy once filled with energy to be in this state. Unsettling even, he would prefer to see Eren annoying the living hell out of him than laying in that bed. Pulling up a chair he sat next to the bed, arms crossed one leg crossed over the other.

Both Hanji and Erwin quietly left the room leaving them be.

"Why didn't you say that you were feeling sick? Stupid brat trying to act all tough. That only makes you worse..." Levi leaned back in the chair watching the boy struggle to fight against the fever.

Shouldn't his 16 year old body holding out better against the fever? Is it because his mindset is reverted to that of a 5 year old that the body isn't responding correctly? That wouldn't make much sense though...Ugh why am I worrying so much about him? I shouldn't care really...

The room was quiet, save Eren's heavy breathing. Leaving Levi to his thoughts just to watch him struggle through. What was he suppose to do? Was there anything he could really do? No. Just to sit there in that chair next to the bed.

"You stupid brat...get better already..." The raven mumbled to himself eyes gazing down at the ground.

A knock came onto the door before it was opened.



Sighing he turned glaring at them. "Shut the fuck up he is sleeping."

Mikasa glared back at him coming up to the bed next to Eren.

Armin quickly said out his apologies going next to the woman. "Is he doing any better?"

"Not really, he still has a high fever, he hasn't changed much from the morning." Levi responded glancing at them before back at the brunet.

"He's going to rest up then right? Who is looking after him?"

"Yes he is, and I will watch him."

"But I could watch him better and even-"

"Orders from Erwin himself, you both will continue on with your fucking training with the others. Don't even fucking try to deny these orders."

Mikasa didn't like being told to basically stay away from her brother, he was her brother! She should be allowed to be with him and bring him back to proper health!

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