Will You Ever Listen to Me?

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"Why did this happen?"

"It seemed that he was in shock sir. From all the memories that came back to him all at once. It forced him to pass out."

"Let's put him in bed to rest at least. He's remembering everything pretty quickly, it might be the cause of why he's acting the way he is."

"Yes Ms. Hanji."

They took Eren back to his room leaving the three behind.

"What now Erwin?"

Erwin crossed his arms. "We wait for him to wake up, see how much he remembers and continue from there."

Levi sighed as he glanced over at where Eren was taken away, it has been a long day and he figured he wasn't gonna get much sleep that night.

About five day has passed since then and Eren has yet to waken up from the massive regain of memory. This was starting to worry the corporal; how was he suppose to handle this? Was there really not much he could do to help the boy while he was like this? As time had passed, and like he would admit this a loud, Levi has grown to enjoy the brunet's presence. It was very childish, much of that he did not enjoy; however, he still enjoyed having him around.

"Damn you stupid brat for making me feel like this..." Levi mumbled to himself as he made his way to Eren's room once more to check in on the boy.

Upon entering the room, he was greeted with the same sight as always. Eren laying there in bed still asleep. Nothing has change, and really was there gonna be very much change to begin with? The corporal was losing some hope; how more of this could he handle?

"Morning Eren...fuck I feel like I'm talking to a coma person...or one that's already dead..." Levi took a chair sitting next to the bed again. "Though really why do you have this much of an impact on me? What did I do to deserve this? Tell me why myself?" He kept asking for answers he knew that he would never get.

He just needed to wake up, wake up and just talk to me. Come on you stupid brat wake up already. The raven ran a hand through his hair sighing. Why was he doing this to himself? He knew that this wasn't healthy yet he continued to do this anyway.

"Do I...I can't possibly..."

"Oh Leeeeviiii!"

"Oh fu-"

Hanji pulled the man into a hug before he could finish saying anything. "Are you acting all sad again Levi? It's only been a couple days."

"You want a verbal explanation or a physical one?"

"Still cruel so you haven't lost it all the way yet, but still not enough punch to it."

"Want an actual punch with that?"

The redhead held her hands up backing away from him. "Okay okay, I was kidding on the getting physical part; I'm okay without it." She turned her attention to the boy on the bed. "But still not a wake huh?"

Levi shook his head. "Not even a little bit of movement. It's getting difficult to feed him." He looked back down at the boy seeing that he was sweating again. Taking out his handkerchief, the corporal wiped off the sweat.

"That will indeed become a problem if we can't feed him..." Hanji looked the brunet over checking how he was fairing. "I have to get back to my work Levi, but I'll come back to check on him. Make sure to get some rest yourself."

Waving her off, the raven heard her footsteps head towards the door as it closed behind her. He kept his gaze steady and unmoving. It was getting difficult to just sit here and do nothing while Eren struggled with getting his memories back. Yet again he asks himself what more can he do?

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