It's for Heichou!

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"Petra nee-chan! Petra nee-chan!!!"

The woman looked behind hearing her name being called loudly by the one she knew all too well. "Eren? What is it?"

Coming up to her, Eren took hold of her hands. "Petra nee-chan can you help me please?"

"What do you need help with Eren?"

"I need help with learning how to clean right."

"Clean right?"

"Yeah! I need to learn to clean right so I can clean with Levi! Or at least clean for him!"

Petra tilted her head a bit. "Why would you need to clean for him?"

Eren rubbed his head looking up at her. "B-Because....I-I want do do this for him...please Petra nee-chan please?"

It was hard to resist that pouting face of the boy's, even if it was on a 16 year old's face. "Well...I mean..."

"What's seems to be the problem Petra?"

The woman turned seeing the other members of her team come up to her, more or less. "Auruo, Edl, Mike, Gunther, well yeah there is a problem...sort of. Eren here wants to learn how to clean."

"Clean? What for?" Edl looked over at the boy seeing him look at the group with big puppy dog eyes pleading to them.

"He wants to clean for Heichou."

"Why would you clean for him?" Auruo almost sneered over at the brunet.

"B-Because! I wanna! Please help me learn!"

Mike looked at Eren studying him for a bit, he could tell that the young boy was serious, though his reasons for learning very vague. "Alright we'll help you."


Petra smiled at the tall blonde before turning to face Eren once more. "Well okay then we'll help you learn to clean properly. But then you'll have to listen to us and learn to properly do it, or Heichou won't be pleased at all. You understand Eren?"

He nodded his head furiously hands clenched into fists in front of his chest. "Yes! I'll do what it takes to make Heichou happy!"

The five of them saw that spark of determination in the boy, the one they saw in their training before he became a little kid. Some form of a smile came on each of their lips. "Let's get started then."


"No no no! That's all wrong Eren! There can't be any streaks on the floor! Do it again!" Auruo yelled at the boy when he saw all of the streaks on the floor.

Eren wet the rag again going back over the floors again moving across them.

"Whoa whoa! You can't clean the floors like that! Your feet are going over the spots you already cleaned! Now you have to redo them! Start at one end of the hall and work your way back! Once you properly dry the floors can you walk on them!"

Falling back on his butt, the boy sniffed as tears formed in his eyes.

The man crossed his arms looking down at him waiting to see if he would give up. "You ready to give up on one of the easier tasks? And the first one no less! What kind of determination is that?"

Eren sat there staring at the ground few tears slipping. Sniffing again he wiped his eyes of the tears they once more showing determination. He wasn't going to quit, especially not on the first task. He got back on his feet taking the bucket and rag going to one end of the hallway. Dipping the cloth in the soapy water, the brunet started again doing how Auruo told him.

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