I'm Sowwy Levi

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"L-Levi H-Heichou..."

"Did I say you could stop? Keep cleaning." Levi sat in a chair arms and legs crossed over as he stared down at Eren who was on the ground scrubbing the floor.

The brunet went back to scrubbing, he had been cleaning for a week straight with Levi there watching him like a hawk. Pointing out the spots he missed, making him continue on with little to no breaks. His legs hurt, hands covered in blisters and bandages. Eren sniffed, his eyes watering up as he wiped at them trying to make them stop. Had he angered Levi to no end? Was he never gonna forgive him?

Levi cocked his head having heard the sniffing. "Oi are you crying Yeager?"

"Y-Yes I am..." Eren sniffed again, we was being stubborn, he didn't want Levi to hate him or call him a baby. But he didn't like that he was treated so harshly by the older man.

"Then stop, your tears are getting on the floor dirtying it again."

Standing up, Eren childishly threw the rag on the ground glaring and pouting at him. "Why am I getting treated so badly?! I only messed up once with the cleaning why do I have to do all of this?! It isn't fair!"

"It's what I get for trying to trust a kid to do it on his own. Now I'm to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Having a few tears slip down his cheeks, Eren stomped his foot. "I hate you Levi!" The brunet ran out of the room tears falling down more.

A sigh escaped the corporal's lips as he got up. 'Why am I trying with him? He's a fucking brat I shouldn't be dealing with brats.' Levi walked out after him the sound of his boots resonating off the hall walls. He turned a corner finding Petra comforting a crying Eren.

"Hey Eren there's no need to cry, tell me, what happened?"

The boy sniffed crying wiping at his tears.


The woman turned saluting her corporal. "Levi Heichou what can I do for you sir?"

Walking up closer the raven haired man saw the brunet hid behind Petra's smaller form though it did little in that regard. He stopped a few feet away from them eyes back on the woman. "I'm here to take Yeager back."

Eren shook his head holding onto Petra more hiding behind her.

She noticed how the boy didn't wish to go back with the other man as she let her hands come back to her sides. "Heichou how about I watch over him? Your work must be piling up after watching him for a whole week. This can also give you a break too. I don't mind really."

"The new recruits are coming today which consists of his class."

"I'll take care of it, Heichou it's alright." Petra softly smiled.

Levi stared at her then back at Eren who still coward behind Petra, he could see the boy shaking as he sighed. "Very well, I would still want to see them all so call me no matter what I'm doing." He waited to see if Eren would protest but the boy didn't. The corporal turn walking back down the hallway.

Eren slowly looked up from behind the woman watching Levi leave him with her.

"Now explain to me what happened between you and Heichou Eren." Petra turned around to face him.

The brunet sniffed wiping his tears. "L-Levi i-is making m-me clean for n-no reason! B-Because I m-messed up o-once!"

"Once is all he needs, what else did he do?"

"H-He made me c-clean for a w-whole week! With little b-breaks! N-Now my h-hands and k-knees h-hurt!" Eren lifted up his bandaged hands.

Petra smiled before giggling covering her mouth in attempts to stop.

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