A Scarlet Priestess in Rulid Village

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Guess whose theme this song is XD ! A friendly for surprise for all of you Readers!! Misaka Loves You!!  (You'll probably figure it out by looking at the girl with the crazy eyes look in the image XD)

The village of Rulid was a small one, according to Eugeo, as he led them to the village, it had a population overall of around 300. It was surrounded by sheep fields as well a ring of large mountains to the North, East, and West.. therefore, the territory to the South, blocked off by the Gigas Cedar was the only territory left to expand to and make more farmland.

"Farming territory is really, really scarce now." said Eugeo. "Resources are becoming smaller by the day.. It's a little tough actually. Because of this a lot of people turn to our priestess Yuniko Kozuki.. but er.. she's really reluctant.."

"So.. the Axiom Church.." said Kirito. "We don't exactly have one of those where we come from.."

"It's the law of the Human Empire." said Eugeo. "Every town in this country has it's own church. They write the laws and tell us how to live through the written called the Taboo Index. Sister Azariya is the one who runs our church here and operates the church bell.. every morning, we go to church worship.. and Selka helps out with most of the ceremonies..."

"Shouldn't your priestess be doing ceremonial stuff?" asked Sinon.

"Well.." said Eugeo. "She's.. different. There are very very few priestesses in the Human Empire."

"Why's that?" Asked Mikoto.

"Because, a Priestess is somebody who is descended from the Goddesses themselves." said Eugeo. "The signs are apparent by the powers they possess. One who has mastery over lightning is a daughter of Stacia, the goddess of creation.. one who has mastery over fire is a daughter of Solus, the sun goddess.. Yuniko is a daughter of Solus.. you see Sister Azariya takes in plenty of orphans at the church, and one day she found Yuniko confused, staggering around the town, yelling out stuff in the Sacred Language.. 'Burst Link..' or 'Unlimited Burst!'..and then she kept on yelling something about why she couldn't get back to her.. time ... or something.. eventually she mellowed down.. and she displayed a power that really shocked all of us.. and she became a priestess after that.."

"Burst.. Link!?" Mikoto stammered. She and Kirito shared meaningful looks.

Sinon, on the other hand, was muttering to herself. "So.. the Sacred Language in this VR is actually just English.. while the main language is Japanese.. interesting"

"Will we get to meet the Priestess?" Kirito asked.

"Tomorrow, when we go to Church for morning Worship." said Eugeo. "A-ah.. Misaka-san.. I understand that you will probably all need a separate place for you all to sleep.. er.. since you two are girls.. and Kirito's a guy.. and.. you could sleep in my guest room if you-..."

"The church is fine.." Mikoto said quickly.

Sinon looked like she could barely contain her giggles.

"Alright.." said Eugeo. "Here we are, welcome to Rulid Village."

Rulid Village was surrounded by a canal of water, with four entrances on the sides, which reminded Mikoto of a certain town back in ALfheim where she and Leafa had been attacked by a group of Salamanders. How long ago that seemed..

Mikoto put a hand on the hilt of the Master Sword and murmured to herself. "You and I have been through a lot huh?"

Talking to her sword, the first sign of insanity. Or so Nox joked inside Mikoto's head.

"Oh shut up." Mikoto murmured to Nox as she followed Eugeo into the village

It was a pretty vibrant village, with many laughing people, all talking to each other and going about their daily business. However, there was a sort of tension in the air, as if everyone expected something to attack. Plenty of the villagers even carried improvised weapons, like kitchen cutters, or axes similar to the Dragon Bone Axe.

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