Vampires vs. Demons Season 5 Episode 2: A Dark Side

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Everyone has a dark side. No one is truly perfect. There is light and dark. Sometimes, the darkness take control of your very well being. After all, I am the son of Satan & Dracula.

~Jordan Morley.


Jordan & Cain stare at each other. Eye to eye.

Cain:" You feel it don't you brother? That rage. That intensity. That fire burning inside you like wildfire. All the things you've been told has been nothing more than a fairytale. Even your friends can't understand the dark power you possess."

Jordan:" How did you overcome this?"

Cain:" You fully embrace it."

Jordan:" That can't be the only choice."

Cain:" It is the right choice. Jordan, you're powers has been suppressed for a longgg time. You've been told what you are. It's time to control your own narrative. Your own destiny. Let that rage fuel you."

Jordan:" You sound like Lucifer."

Cain:" Perhaps..."

Jordan telekinetically locked away Cain.


The Phour Mansion🏠🏘️

Andre:" I think it's safe to say that Jordan is not in his right mind."

Hakeem:" No. He's been having nightmares about destruction and blood."

Marcus:" Jordan has always been the dark one. Maybe...after everything we've been through, maybe it's finally getting to him."

Andre:" If that's the case then why none of us are being driven crazy."

DeMarius:" If I may, Jordan was created to be a weapon. His whole life has been a lie. That can drive anyone crazy."

Hakeem:" Which means, we need to take control of this situation fast."

DeMarius:" Yeahh before we have to step in."

Andre and Hakeem looked at DeMarius weirdly.

Andre:" And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

DeMarius:" We can't have another mess up. Especially when the government puts their trust into Delta Force. We have to step in if Jordan continues with his-"

Hakeem:" Or what? Hm? Gonna kill him? Try and lock him up?"

DeMarius:" I have to use lethal force if Jordan becomes too hostile."

Marcus:" Great. Law enforcement always wanna use force instead of reasoning."

DeMarius:" Fine. Have it your way. But don't say I didn't warn you."

DeMarius walked off as he was drinking fruit punch. Meanwhile, Jordan teleports back to Houston. He was walking down the street eating a parfait. One gang member came out the alleyway and knocked his parfait put of his hand.

Gang Member:" What you doin around here in dese parts dwag?"

:" Yeahhh, you don't belong here."

Jordan continues to stare at him.

Gang Member:" What nigga?"

He pulled a gun out and aimed it at his forehead.

Gang member:" I should just blow yo motherfuckin brains out right here."

Jordan melted the guns right out of his hand.

:" AWW SHIT!! RUN!!!"

Jordan telekinetically stopped them from running and pulled them back to him. Jordan telekinetically decapitated their heads off instantly.

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