Vampires vs. Demons Season 2 Episode 3: Death And Destruction

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Houston, Texas 🏘️

DeMarius flew in to the mansion.

DeMarius:" What happened?"

Marcus:" Jordan happened. He disappeared."

DeMarius:" Do anyone have a clue where he went?"

Andre:" He's back at home. At his old house."

DeMarius:" Good. Then it's time to end this today."

DeMarius was about to walk out but multiple branches started to circle around

Hakeem:" You aren't going anywhere. This is our fight."

DeMarius broke out of Hakeem's hold.

DeMarius:" I'm sorry DeMarius. But this is the only way."

Marcus opens up a portal.

Marcus:" Then let's go. We're wasting time talking about it!"

DeMarius nodded his head as they teleported to Jordan's old house. When they arrived, they saw a large shadow shield surrounding the house.

Hakeem:" You guys ready?"

Andre:" As ready as I can be."

Marcus took out his sword.

Marcus:" Sho nuff."

Andre opens up a portal in front of the door.

Andre opens up a portal in front of the door.
They stepped through the portal and into the inside of the house. They saw pentagrams appearing on the wall, couches and chairs floating through the house. They walked through the house cautiously as they saw Jordan standing in the kitchen with shadows surrounding him with his hybrid form appearing.

Hakeem:" J-Jordan?"

Jordan slowly turned around as he growled.

Jordan:" Friends. Welcome to my humble home."

Andre:" Jordan. Come home. This isn't you."

Hakeem:" You're way better than this."

DeMarius:" Jordan, listen to your friends.
We can help you with whatever you-"

Jordan looks at DeMarius and blasts him all the way outside through a window with a shadow sphere.

Jordan/Damien:" Anyone else?"

Hakeem:" You know what? It looks like you want to fight. Since we can't talk some sense into, We'll beat yo ass then."

Jordan/Damien:" You can definitely try. It's your funeral."

Hakeem:" Good."

Hakeem hits Jordan across the face with a tree stump hammer. Jordan blasts them all with dark matter but Andre magically puts steel balls on top of Jordan but he teleports behind Andre and throws him into the TV.
Marcus tries to swing his sword against Jordan's body but Jordan dodges them perfectly and blasts Marcus with Hellfire.
Hakeem manipulated the wood from the floor and created projectiles to aim at
Jordan but Jordan caught them
telekinetically mid air and throws them back at Hakeem. Hakeem deflected them with a rock shield.

Meanwhile, As DeMarius was getting up, Madame President came flying down with more Delta Force Agents.

DeMarius:" Madame. What are you doing here?"

Madame President:" You know why I am here. We must lock him up. Agents."

Andre magically put up a wall.

Andre:" Madame President. With all due respect, this is our problem to handle."

Madame President:" And with all due respect Andre, you have done a poorly job with our fine officers getting killed everyday.
Now, step aside."

Andre:" If you would just let us-"

Hakeem and Marcus came out as well as they were heavy breathing.

Hakeem:" Ohh *heavy breathing* old head is here."

Madame President:" Please Phour, Step Aside."

Marcus:" Ms. President. We are trying to-"

All of a sudden, the helicopter rotor blades started to spin by itself.

Madame President:" Stop that!!"

Andre:" I employ you Madame, that isn't us."

Marcus, Hakeem, Andre, and DeMarius realized something...

Them:" Ohhh shit!!"

The helicopter rotor blades continued to spin faster and faster.

Hakeem:" Jordan!!!!"

Jordan blew the doors off the hinges as he walked out the house slowly. Jordan decapitates multiple Delta Agents. He sees
Madame President looking at him.  He telekinetically tore off the blades and was gonna kill Madam President

Marcus:" JORDANN!!!!

Marcus stabbed Jordan his back. Jordan blasts Marcus backwards, took the silver light, and dropped it. Jordan ripped out
Marcus's heart.

Andre:" Noooooo!!!!!"

Andre blasts Jordan back as he tends to Marcus. Jordan reverts back to normal.

Jordan:" Marcus... Marcusss..NOOOOO
NOOOO NOOO!! I'm sorry mann!!! I'm sorry!!! Please please please wake up!!"

DeMarius:" I'm sorry Jordan, but you are under arrest for the murder of Marcus Washington and city wide damages."

Jordan:" No...No.. no no no no no..."

Jordan disappeared.

Moments later, Hakeem and Andre buried Marcus in the Houston National Cemetery.
DeMarius stood next to Andre.

DeMarius:" Hey, how you holding up?"

Andre:" My best friend killed my other best friend. How the fuck you think I feel?"

DeMarius:" Dre I was just tryna-"

Andre:" You've done enough. You know, if I knew that you was gonna turn out to become one of them."

DeMarius:" One of what?"

Andre:" A pig."

DeMarius:" Hold on a minute let's just-"

Hakeem:" I think you're done here homeboy."

DeMarius:" I-I just want to talk to my boyfriend."

Hakeem:" And he said he doesn't wanna be bothered. And you should respect that."

DeMarius:" You know what Keem, maybe you should back off aight!! This is between me and Andre. Not you."

Hakeem:" I don't think you understand how this works around here play boy! First off, this is my family. Second, This is The Phour's business. Get it! 4! Not 5! Thirdly, Playa I would molly wop yo black ass. We surrounded by trees all around!! So don't make me especially on my best friend's funeral."

DeMarius starred at Hakeem for a minute and then walked away.

Hakeem approached Andre as he took his glasses off.

Hakeem:" You okay?"

Andre:" Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. I just-"

Hakeem:" I know. We need to take Jordan down now and I have a plan."

Andre:" Okay. I'm listening."

Hakeem:" | know you might not like this but there's just one person who is a tad bit crazier than Jordan."

Andre:" Ohh noo.."

Hakeem:" Oooh yes."

In Transylvania.

Hakeem and Andre went downstairs into the basement and turned the lights on.

Andre:" Are you sure about this?"

Hakeem:" Does it look like we have a choice?"

Andre magically opened the metal gates and erased the runes. Cain dropped to his knees.

Hakeem:" Hello Cain. We need to talk."

Cain smirked as he was breathing heavy.

To be continued...

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