Vampires vs. Demons Season 5 Episode 7: The Silver Light

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The Phour Mansion.

Victoria was reading the silver light.

Victoria:" I'm afraid you're right. Marcus can see the wraiths."

Marcus:" But how exactly?"

Victoria:" From what I gather from the sword, the sword was made to protect it's user from harm. With different enchantments and spells, it has alot of properties including, finding unforeseen creatures like wraiths. However there is some interest in all of this. Another reason you are able to see it is because it is possible that it is someone you know."

Marcus:" What? I-I don't know who that is. It could be anvone."

Hakeem:" Mark, what if it's your mother or father?"

Marcus:" Don't you dare Keem!"

Hakeem:" I'm not, l'm just saying...what is."

Andre:" I don't know Mark, Keem has a point. You did say they were killed."

Hakeem:" Plus, didn't you want to find answers about their death?"

Marcus:" Yeahh."

Victoria:" Then in order to find where it's going, you're going to need to track it down.
Go to where it was last seen and the sword shall guide you."

Hakeem:" I'll go with you just in case you need backup."

Marcus nodded. He slash open a portal and stepped through.

Jordan:" I'm going to need a word with the president."

Victoria:" I've heard what she said. Maybe
I'II talk to her."

Jordan:" No. You would only make things worse."

Victoria:" Listen Damien-"

Jordan:" That is not my name."

Victoria:" Jordan. Listen to me! I know I fucked up. Over and over again. And I am trying to make it up with you. I want to be a mother for you."

Jordan:" I already have two parents."

Victoria:" They couldn't even teach you how to love. But let me be here for you. I owe that much."

Jordan took a deep breath.

Jordan:" Fine. But there is something I want to know."

Victoria:" Yes. I'll answer anything."

Jordan:" Judgment Day. What is that?"

Victoria instantly felt nervous.

Moments later, in the living room.

Victoria was pouring her some blood tea.

Victoria:" Judgement Day. That title is powerful within itself."

Victoria sat down.

Victoria:" It's the day that everything will end in fire and that fire will open up Hell's Gates. Lucifer will reign along side his son. You. Jordan."

Jordan:" Well that will never happen."

Victoria:" You don't understand Jordan, it's by prophecy not by choice. Lucifer will have the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. War, Famine, Conquer, and Death."

Jordan:" And what would I be?"

Victoria:" *sigh* The horseman of Death."

Jordan took her blood tea and drinks it like a shot.

Jordan:" I need to go."

Victoria:" Jordan!!!"

Meanwhile, back at the crime scene at the festival..

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