Vampires vs. Demons Season 5 Episode 9: Hearts Shattered Season Finale

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New York City 🏙️

Marcus took out the Silverlight.

Marcus:" Locate, Giovanni soul."

A blue light emerges from the sword. It shows the pathway to a penthouse.

Marcus:" This way."

Some Party song playing in the background.
Music was blasting through the speakers.
People were dancing naked and snorting coke. Marcus eyes glowed blue as he was looking through his silver vision to locate Giovanni.

Hakeem:" Hey!!! Where's Giovanni?"

Security Guard:" Or what?"

Marcus:" This."

Marcus punches him in the nuts as he got flung into the glass table. People started to run as another security guard tries to get Marcus, Hakeem manipulates a plant stem, wraps it around the guard and flung him into the barkeep. Marcus slashes one of the guard's legs and smashes his face in a stool. The other guard tries to choke Marcus out but Hakeem touches his neck and fill is bloodstream with poison ivy. The security guard chokes as he dies from the poison.

Hakeem:" You good?"

Marcus:" Never better."

They went up to the top floor and heard
Giovanni getting whooped.

Lady:" Oooo say my name!"

Giovanni:" Patricia!!!"Patricia:" Yesss. Good boy! *Moans*"

Hakeem manipulated the wood and tore the doors off the hinges as Patricia screams.
Giovanni tries to go for the gun but Hakeem jabs a stake in his hand.

Giovanni:" Argghhhhhhhh!!!"

Hakeem:" Leave slutty!!"

Patricia grabs her clothes and leaves.

Giovanni:" W-Who the hell are you?"

Marcus aimed his sword at him.

Marcus:" What's the matter don't fucking see the resemblance!!"

Giovanni:" I-I have no idea who you are! If I owe you, please, I have millions of dollars just-"

Marcus:" I don't want yo fucking money!!! I want VENGEANCE!!!!"

Marcus eves turned blue as blue snake tattoos appeared on Marcus shoulders. A ring of blue fire emerges surrounding Giovanni and Marcus.

Marcus:" You've took... everything from me!

Giovanni:" Please!!! I don't know what you're talking about!!!!"

Hakeem was getting worried about Marcus.

Marcus:" Well I'm going to make you remember."

Marcus touches his head as Giovanni sees the visions of him killing everyone including
Marcus's parents.

Giovanni:" Ohh. yesss I do remember now.
Your father and mother used to work for me.
Now, I remember how useless them niggers really were!!!!"

Hakeem:" Did he just say-"

Marcus stabbed him right in his throat. The blue fire went away and the tattoos.

Hakeem grabbed him.

Hakeem:" You okay?"

Marcus:" Yeah. Just.."

Hakeem:" I hear footsteps. We need to leave."

Marcus:" Ok."

They teleported back home. Marcus immediately drops the sword.

Hakeem:" You sure you okay?"

Marcus:" I killed him Keem. I thought I-"

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