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Will, on the other hand, woke up all cheery. He was excited to see all his friends after spending the summer with his mom.

Well... he didn't exactly have friends, like close ones, but he was friends with everyone. Like, he wasn't gonna be selfish and only have, like, a best friend or boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever. He shared! Everyone got to know Will. Lucky them.

Just kidding. His self confidence wasn't like his dad's, but he could always pretend.

He'd never really had friends. Moving around so much with his mom, and the years he was homeschooled, didn't really let him make or keep friends.

He still had crushes, though. He had an entire notebook full of them.

Up until 4th grade, he was homeschooled, but that year he got to go to a real school in Boston. He crushed on a girl named Sam.

For the first half of 5th, he lived in Missouri, and had a crush on a girl named Leah. Then it was Melli Lynn in Wisconsin.

6th grade changed everything. His mom was touring in Europe that year, so he went with his dad and attended HB Middle. He didn't have any crushes for most of the year, but then... well, he was helping out the nurse for his elective, and he met Nico di Angelo.

After that, he started to notice guys more. There were Winnie and Mia, but also Truman, Sander, and Blake.

The thing is, he was used to getting a crush, but then moving away and never seeing them again.

He didn't expect to go back to Manhattan and stay with his dad for his four years of high school. He didn't anticipate seeing Nico again.

I mean, it's not like it was that big of a deal. He was just one of Will's old crushes that he saw around sometimes in classes and stuff.

Was he hoping that he would have a class with Nico?


Did he still have a crush on him?

No. Not really. He was just cute. Will hadn't even had a conversation with him since sixth grade.

Will noticed the time just then and realized that his five allotted minutes of overthinking were over. Tragic.

He hopped out of bed and put on a blue shirt and some black cargo shorts.

He ran his hand through his hair, running downstairs for breakfast. "Hey dad! Hey Paolo!" He greeted, nodding to his dad and his dad's boyfriend.

His dad had decidedly excellent taste.

"Hey, Will," Paolo said. "I made pancakes."

"Be glad I didn't," his dad joked. "But I did make you some coffee." He handed him a mug, and Will took it, along with a stack of pancakes lathered in butter, whipped cream, and blueberries.

Will took a sip of his coffee- black, just the way he liked it- and grinned. His adopted sister Kayla had come down. "So, Kayla. Excited to start your freshman year?" he asked.

"Yeah!" She grabbed an even larger stack of pancakes and put them on her plate, dumping maple syrup on them.

"Paolo, these pancakes are perfection," Will told him.

"Aw, thanks, Will. Is Austin up yet?" he wondered.

"Nope," Kayla said. "I could hear his snoring through the walls."

"He doesn't have to be up until 7," Dad reminded Paolo.

"That's right. Okay, Will and Kayla, you're taking the subway?"

They nodded.

"Okay, you better leave soon. Love you guys!"

"Love you!" they repeated, walking out.

When they got to school, Will asked, "Meet up at lunch?"

"See you then," Kayla agreed.

Will made his way up to the third floor for his first period, chemistry.

He found out his assigned seat from the teacher, Ms. Venus, and wandered over to table ten.

"Hey," he said.

His lab partner turned and locked eyes with him. It was fucking Nico di Angelo, in the flesh.

Okay, Will. Be cool. Be calm. You are calm. You are so fucking calm right now. "I'm Will Solace. You're Nico, right?" he asked, and he sat down.

Nico nodded once, and tore his eyes away.

Oh no, is that creepy that I know his name? Not really, right? I mean, we met in sixth grade and have gone to the same high school for going on three years. Does he remember me? What if he doesn't remember me?

Okay, shut up, Will, he told himself. It doesn't matter. Make conversation or something.

"Uh... so. Our first day of junior year. That's cool. I remember when I was just a baby freshman. Actually, my sister Kayla started today. She's a freshman. It's crazy," he blabbed.

"Oh, my sister actually started here today, too," Nico told him.


Be cool, Will. Be calm.

"Really? What's her name?" Will asked, very calm and cool.

"Hazel. She went to Jupiter."

"Ah, nice. Kayla wouldn't know her, then. She went to HB."

Nico mumbled, "Mmm hmm."

Oh, no, did he lose interest? Was Will too annoying? Ack!

But no, Nico continued the conversation, and the period flew by. Too quickly, in Will's personal opinion.

"These will be your seats for the rest of the semester," Ms. Venus told everyone. "Class dismissed."

"Later, Solace," Nico said. The way he says my name is so hot, Will thought.

Will tipped his head. "Angelo." That was cool, right? So, so calm?

Will went left to go to sewing, but Nico, to his disappointment, went right.

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