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Did Nico just ask him out?

Nah. Will was obviously just reading into it too much.

What a fucking weirdo. Nico just said that he might be willing to make pizza sometime, for, like, the group. Like, their sisters and stuff. Duh.

Idiot brain.

Kayla interrupted his thoughts. "Lunch is almost over. We should probably head back."

"Yeah," Will agreed.

"Mmhmm," Nico mumbled.

"Okay," Hazel said. Her eyes lit up. "Wait, Nico! We have painting next."

"I don't even like painting. I just took it so I had a class with you," he replied.

"Whatever," she grumbled.

"Just kidding, I'm very excited to take it with you. It's just, I fail the class, it's your fault."

Hazel rolled her eyes. "One, you're definitely not gonna fail, and two, I told you I'd take drawing with you next year."

Nico draws? He's, like, an artiste?

That's so fucking hot.

Shut up, Will. Just shut up.

They made their way back to school, and he waved goodbye to Nico and Hazel, and Kayla went up to her class.

He had soccer class now, which was fun.

He liked soccer well enough, and he made the JV team, so he wasn't too terrible.

The people in his class were just his team, and they were nice and stuff.

Cecil was on his team, and was probably his best friend out of everyone there.

They basically just chatted the entire time, which was great.

The class was finished soon enough and Will headed up to Medical Studies.

He was excited for this class. He wanted to be a doctor, and it would help him get there.

It just felt like his calling.

He wanted to help people.


The next day, he asked Lou Ellen in sewing if he could sit by her and Cecil at lunch, and that became his routine.

Their friend Rachel also ended up sitting by them.

He had a little friend group! Yay!

Thing is, Cecil and Lou Ellen most definitely had a crush on each other. It was kinda hard to watch.

And Rachel had a crush on Reyna, one of Nico's friends, but she never did anything about it.

And according to Nico, Reyna had a crush on Rachel, too. She never did anything about it either.

So, after two weeks of watching that, in chemistry, Will talked to Nico.

"Nico," he said seriously, because this was serious business.


"Can we eat lunch with you?"

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Er, like, not you specifically. Like your friends. Like Reyna. With my friends. Like Rachel."

"Ohhh. I see. Yeah, let's do it. And you can sit with us at lunch anyway, you know. Like, just you."

That- that was just so gods dam nice! What the hel?

Nico was supposed to be this dark brooding guy, but he was really just a sweetheart.

And Will was excited all the way until lunch, just because he got to see Nico then.

Wait, no. It was because he was setting Reyna and Rachel up.


He practically skipped out of sewing with Lou. Skip to the Lou. Ha. Anyway.

"You're in a good mood," Lou noticed. "Like, more than usual."

"Oh, it's just... we're finally doing something about a crush! For Rachel! It's exciting!"

And that totally would be something he would get excited about, but he was more excited to see Nico.

Turns out Rachel and Reyna thought that they were sitting with them because Nico and Will had a crush on each other, which he didn't find out until much, much later.

Funny. As if. Ha. Ha. Ha.

So, they went along with it. Everyone made sure Reyna and Rachel sat next to each other, and Will got to sit next to Nico.

Everyone else was absorbed in their conversation: Jason and Leo were talking about some dog walking business they wanted to start, Lou and Cecil were flirting each other's heads off, and Piper was trying to get Reyna and Rachel to talk to each other. They were being shy.

So, anyway, Will had Nico to himself.

He wasn't eating anything. "Where's your lunch?" he asked him.

He looked at Will like no one ever asked that. "I had a big breakfast," he said.

Will tossed him an apple. "Well, eat something."

Nico caught it. "Apple a day keeps the doctor away," he reminded me, waving it in my face.

"Why'd I tell you my career plans?" Will wondered. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, though."

Nico took a bite of the apple. At least he was eating it, he supposed.

And their friend groups just kinda merged after that day. 

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