Episode 4: New found friend.

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Scene: Lanima City's wet Market.

Narrator: Natori and Shinjun are able to go to the City using a secret passage. The two are now roaming around the wet Market, enjoying every moment. The two children felt hungry, luckily Shinjun brought his money and they are able to buy food. 

While they are walking around the Market, Naroti saw something that caught his attention. He saw a child same age as he was. The child is holding something, that he is licking. Shinjun notice it right away and he tap Natori in his back.

Shinjun: "It's an ice cream." - (Shinjun, smiled and...) "Do you want some? I can buy you one..."

Natori: "Really?! Yes, I want to try that food..."

Shinjun: - (Shin's face went curious, and he started thinking... )"Seriously? I think this is the first time he'll be tasting ice cream."  

Narrator: Shinjun went inside the ice cream store to buy an ice scream, and he told Natori to wait for him outside.

While Natori is patiently waiting for his friend outside the ice scream store, he was bumped by a female child; The same age as he is. They both fell to the ground and without knowing it Natori yelled at her.

Natori: "Hey! Why don't you watch where your going?!" - (He yelled, while his eyes are closed.) 

Narrator: The girl got up, and bows her head to Natori. She said sorry in a sweet voice. After hearing the girl's voice Natori opened his eyes, and he apologized right away to her.

Natori got up, and telling the girl that it is alright. The girl, looked at him and apologized again and bid goodbye to him and ran off. 

Natori: "Well, that's wired.." - (Thoughts on his mind.)

Narrator: Natori, turned his views away from the direction of the girl and suddenly he noticed a piece of cloth lying on the ground. He picked it up, and he saw that something is written in it.

Natori: "Hiruki.."  - (He read the writing, printed in the cloth. ) "Waa! Oh, no! Maybe this belongs to the girl..."

Narrator: Natori ran without thinking, he is hoping to see the girl again for him to return the cloth he found.

Natori: "Where did she go? I'm certain that she ran to this direction..."  - (He said, while looking left and right.) "Oh, man! I need to return this to her and get back as soon as possible to the ice cream shop... But where did she go?"

Change of Scene: In a dark alley.

Narrator: Whithout knowing it Natori reached the end of the Wet market. At the end of the wet Market; a dark alley can be found, this is the shortest route going to Lanima City's Castle Training Ground.

The castle training ground; is a place where swordsmen are doing their day to day training together with their captain.

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