DOTS 39: Comeback

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   Abby woke up and it's already 10am, it's almost lunch so she decided to stand up already.

She went out of the room and while stretching her body and still yawning, she saw Jayven's living room.

Bottles of wine, food skins, and canned beers can be seen on the ground.

"What really happened to you Jayven?" She asked himself.

She was about to go downstairs when he heard Jayven shout, "Abby!" Jayven shouted.

"Abby!" He shouted again.

"Yes?" Abby answered and looked at him.

"Oh god I thought you left." Jayven said and quickly approached Abby to hug her.

"Good morning." Abby just said and hugged Jayven back.

While preparing the food, Abby spoke.

"We're having dinner with the partner company later." She said.

"Shall I take you there?" Jayven asked.

"No. The driver will take me there." Abby answered and Jayven just nodded.

"I heard we're having delicious food so I won't eat lunch." Abby said and Jayven frowned.

"You're not eating with me?" Jayven asked and Abby shook her head.

"Eat now." Jayven ordered.

"Even a little." He added and Abby just nodded.

After eating, Abby went straight to the bathroom to get ready. After that she found Jayven in the living room holding his laptop and phone.

She went down the stairs and approached Jayven.

"I'll go now." Abby said and Jayven nodded.

'He just nodded?' Abby said in wonder in her mind.

'No that can't be.' she added and looked at Jayven who was speaking seriously.

She approaches and kissed Jayven on the lips.

"Bye." Abby said and left Jayven dumbfounded.


Abby was now at the dinner party with the board of directors of Jake's company, she was also with the board of directors of their partner company.

They were drinking right now and Jake wasn't here, he's not the type of person who likes to attend a dinner party like this.

Abby also doesn't want too but she has no choice.

"You must be the one who made Jake's Company really famous huh?" A Director asked as if he was mocking Jake's company.

"Miss Leigh right?" One of them asked and Abby just nodded politely.

'Be calm, Abby. You're at work.' She said and sighed.

"You must be good." Another one said.

"Pretty and famous." Someone said too.

'Should I take that as a compliment?' Abby asked in her mind.

"How is being pretty connected to my skill?" Abby asked and the BODS in Jake's company just coughed.

"You're sexy of course it's an addition to your skills." He seems drunk and the other people there coughed even more.

"Here you should eat." Someone said and tries to feed her but Abby doesn't know what to do.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry." Even she is, she needs to lie in a situation like this.

"Oh come on." The other man said and held her hand but Abby removed it.

Abby excused herself and quickly left there. When she finally got out, she sat on the stairs there and sighed.

"I wish I had eaten a lot earlier." Abby said and held her stomach.

Abby stood up and walked away. She called her driver because she wanted to be alone. She wants to cry because of what she feels right now.

"Hello?" Abby asked when Jayven called.

"How was dinner?" Jayven asked.

"Dinner was great. We had a lot of food. I ate a lot." Abby's voice was weak.

"It was really delicious..." Abby cried and looked at the sky.

On the other side, Jayven felt that there was something wrong.

"If it was delicious, then why are you crying?" Jayven asked.

"I just miss you so much." Abby answered.

"Wait for me. I'll go there." Jayven said and took the car key.

"Hubby..." Jayven stopped when Abby called her that.


"I'm not wrong right? What did I do?" She asked.

"Yes you're not." Jayven answered and Abby just sighed.

She wiped her tears and ended the call.

She sat there and stayed silent for a while. After 30 minutes, Abby got up to go home.

A car stopped in front of her and when Jayven got out, Abby started crying. Jayven hugged her and Abby cried.


Abby told the story of what happened in the car while they were going home until she fell asleep. When they reached home, Jayven carried Abby to his penthouse and laid her on the bed.

Jayven quietly took off Abby's shoes and he kisses her forehead and leaves the room.

He dialed Jake's number.

"You shouldn't start building a company if you can't handle your workers." Jayven angrily said on the phone.

"What happened again huh?" Jake asked and he was nervous.

"Especially Abby, if you can't take care of her then I'll get her here in my company. I'll give her the best position I have for her." He added.

"Tell me what happened first." Jake said seriously.

"She was mistreated earlier in your partner's company dinner. She was unfairly treated!" Jayven shouted which surprised Jake.

"She was crying for fucking sake." Jayven said.

"I'll make that company poor." He added and Jayven hung up the call angrily.   


Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!

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