Chapter 33 Free At Last, Free At Last

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"Nyx, what are you doing here?" he asked distastefully. 

"You know, you're real snarky for somebody who's been having sex on the constant for fifty one years. That's supposed to make you more calm not more irritable" she said, walking around his room aimlessly.

"It's hard to be calm while fucking your disgusting ass daughters" he snarled.

"My my, somebody's in a bad mood today" she said stroking his face. He wanted to pull away or bite her hand, but he couldn't. That same feeling that made him powerless during sex was present now, and he was entirely at her whim.

"Did you not enjoy making love to my spawn, my love?" she asked. 

"NO" he answered immediately.

"Really? None of them? Not even say... Hemera?" Nyx asked with a callous smile.

"What did you do to her?" he growled.

"Oh nothing! I just wanted to confirm your feelings for her. I wonder how Artemis will take this. She's stayed loyal to you since you ran away. You on the other hand... you've been far from it" Nyx teased.

"You made me! You forced me into this! Tried to make me believe this was my- Wait. Did you say that I loved Artemis?" he asked.

"Indeed you did. Then you ran into me, and begged me to take you away from her abusive, man hating ways. So I brought you into my home and allowed you to breed with my daughters. I have been a gracious host, and yet still you disrespect me and my family" Nyx scolded him.

Fifty years of conditioning kicked in immediately. "I'm sorry my lady. Please forgive me. Allow me to give you another child, I'll make it worth your while" he begged, dropping down onto his knees.

"Mmmm. That's a good boy. But no, no more breeding for you" she said.

"W-what do you mean? What am I supposed to do now? Sex is all that I know!"

"You are free. I'll have some monsters accompany you to the exit of Tartarus. You've done well as my pet project. You broke far less than I had expected, but enough nonetheless. Gather any of the things you want to take with you and follow me" she said, moving over to the door.

William shot up off the floor and ran to the door. There was nothing here he wished to remember. If he could forget the whole experience he would.

"Very well, let's go then. Your freedom awaits" she said, leaving the room. As William made to follow the goddess of night like an obedient puppy, a book on the table beside the door caught his eye. He quickly snatched it up and hurried to catch up to the goddess who held his freedom in her hands.

They reached the front door in no time. A feeling of dread filled him. The exit had been right there the whole time.

"Be free my pet, explore the world, and impregnate more women. It gets me so hot knowing that there are going to be so many of your kids running around in the mortal world soon" Nyx said with a shiver.

With that, she pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face. 

"Come with usss my lord. We will sssshow you the way to the sssurfacce" a Dracaenae said from behind him. He turned around to find a whole squadron of snake women armed to the teeth and ready to escort him away. There was something odd about these Dracaenae, they looked different from the ones he had seen in his room. More... human maybe?

He shook it off and followed them closely. Tartarus did not look like a place he wanted to get lost in.

William found out quickly that Tartarus was not as nice as his view had made him think. From his window, the hellish landscape just looked like he had a room in the wall of a volcano, which was pretty cool. But being out here now, was not so nice.

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