Chapter 10 The Rescue

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Artemis' woke up the next morning to the satisfied feeling of being washed off, there was no cum anywhere on her that she could see of feel. Artemis was excited when a couple hours passed and no one came to rape her, not even Atlas. Hoping that it would stay that way and she could look her best for the Hunters. 

Artemis looked over at the demigods and noticed Annabeth was also a little antsy. The daughter of Athena had likely also done that math and expected the quest to reach them at some point. William just stared at her sadly. The three of them just sitting there all day.

The day seemed to take forever to go by with nothing to distract themselves with, no one came for the goddess and they didn't hear any of the regular noises of the monster infested fortress. The whole day the three of them just exchanged looks with each other. William sadly looking at Artemis, Artemis looked back confused. Annabeth looking at William with pity as he looked back sadly. Annabeth looked at Artemis trying to convey a message to her but Artemis' wasn't picking up what she was trying to say. 

Artemis got excited as the sun began to set, knowing that one could only enter the garden at sunset. If the quest was going to show up today it would be within the hour. Artemis partly hoped that none of her Hunters were on the quest so they wouldn't see her in this condition, but also hoped it was only Hunters so that no Campers would see her. Artemis was almost certain that her lieutenant was on the quest, wanting to rescue her. But she also knew the Fates loved playing games, so making Zoe come home would be on par with the Fates.

They didn't have to wait long as Artemis saw three figures top the summit. Artemis saw movement out of the corner of her eye in the shadow, suddenly feeling uneasy. "My lady!" Zoe rushed forward. "Stop! It's a trap!" Zoe's eyes widened when she neared closer and saw Artemis in her rarely seen adult form and being completely naked. "How touching" Atlas emerged from the shadows, finally appearing. Beside The General stood Luke Castellan and Kronos' coffin being carried by a half dozen dracaenae. 

"Percy, Thalia!" Annabeth called to her friends. The demigods ran over and freed the chained up demigod, Percy helping pull William to his feet, as soon as they touched a shock was sent up their arms, surprising them both. "Zoe. It's been a long time. How is my little traitor? I will enjoy killing you" Atlas sneered at Zoe. "Do not respond, do not challenge him" Artemis pleaded with her best friend. 

"Let Artemis go" Zoe demanded. "If you'd like to take the sky for her be my guest" Atlas said smiling evilly. "No! Do not offer, Zoe! I forbid you!" Artemis ordered her lieutenant, not wanting her to experience the atrocities that had been committed on her. Atlas chuckled, "You see daughter? Lady Artemis likes her new job" Atlas said groping Artemis' large breast.

Now free, William knew this was his chance to help the goddess, and seeing Atlas grope Artemis and being able to move now, he ran faster than he ever had and called the power of the mountain to his fist as he let out a monstrous right hook on the Titan's face. Atlas was sent sprawling out in the dirt a few meters back. Everyone turn to stare at the demigod in shock. He had reacted before even Zoe could pull out her bow. The sound of an army marching up the hill could now be heard. 

"That is only a taste of what is to come" Luke spoke for the first time. The demigods looked between each other then Percy said "Now!" and they charged, Thalia towards Luke and Percy and Zoe ran at Atlas, who was just recovering from the strike. Annabeth and William had no weapons so that just stood around looking useless. Percy was quickly thrown through the air by a strike from Atlas. Thalia and Luke were fighting like demons, lighting flickering around them. The dracaenae had run away, one had dropped it's sword, and Annabeth quickly ran over and picked it up rushing over to help Thalia. 

It quickly became apparent that the good guys were out matched. William watched as Percy was thrown again and Annabeth was disarmed. William looked at the goddess beside and realized she was the only one here that could do anything, 'This is my chance to help her' he thought. William called on the strength of the mountain as he climbed in the sky beside the goddess. "You have to go help them! You're the only one that can do it" he said as he took the full weight, pushing Artemis out from beneath the sky. 

Artemis looked at the selfless man that had just sacrificed his freedom for hers, for the small chance that she may be able to turn the tide. She tried to stand up and fell over immediately, her legs weak from the sky and the abuse she had taken over the last week. Since she couldn't stand she pulled out her bow and fired a dozen quick shots into Atlas' unprotected armpit, as he raised his spear to run his daughter through. Atlas roared in pain and turned to the freed, incapacitated goddess. He smiled seeing his opportunity to end her. 

Atlas charged quickly at the goddess. Unaware of the son of Poseidon running back into the fray, he dove at Atlas' legs as he neared Artemis and took the Titan's feet out from underneath him. His momentum carried him through the air and over the naked goddess. Atlas landed on his side and bumped into something. He looked up to see his longest captive smiling down at him, Atlas eyes went wide as he tried to scramble away, but was too late as William turned off his mountain powers and slipped out from under the sky, dropping the full weight onto Atlas, who roared in defeat, at about the same time Thalia hit Luke with a strong lightning blast that sent him over the edge of the mountain. 

Artemis used her powers to summon some clothes as she crawled over to Zoe who hadn't gotten up. Thalia helped Annabeth up and they walked over to join Percy and Artemis beside Zoe. "Her wound is poisoned" Artemis said, it was the only major would on her body, a bite mark from her interaction with Ladon. "We have to get her to Apollo!" Artemis pulled out a hunting horn and raised it to her lips. Then the moonlight brightened, and a silver chariot appeared from the sky and landed right next to them, Thalia and Percy lifted Zoe into the chariot and climbed in, Annabeth following close behind. 

"Lady Artemis are you coming?" She heard from the chariot as she looked around trying to spot the last demigod. He was no where to be seen. "Have you see William?" Artemis asked Annabeth as she came to help the goddess into the chariot. Annabeth's eyes went wide, "Do you guys see the other guy?" she asked those in the chariot. "No I don't see him anywhere" Thalia responded. "We need to get going Lady Artemis" Percy said. Artemis sat in the chariot and it immediately took off. 

The chariot took two laps around the mountain as they searched the ground for Artemis' saviour. They saw no sign of him so they took off at full speed towards Olympus trying to get there in time to save Zoe's life.

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