Chapter 18 Going to Camp

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William opened his eyes to find himself in a forest, he recognized it as the one around Camp Half-Blood. One of the hunters pulled out a horn and blew on it, signaling to everyone in camp that the hunters had arrived.

Most of the damage that the Roman's had done had been repaired in the week that William had been on the run. The demigods had worked together, along with some cyclops to rebuild the camp bigger and better than ever. As the hunters walked into camp, campers stopped to look at the group of silver clad maidens and the man standing in the middle, towering over most of them.

Usually the hunters only glared at the males as they made their way through camp but today they also glared at the females. "What's with them?" William whispered. "What do you mean?" Artemis whispered back. "Why are they glaring at everybody?" "Huh, usually it's just the guys. Must be because of you. They are keeping the girls away and in turn protecting me" Artemis guessed. "Why would the girls bother me anyways?" "Because in case you haven't noticed, you're pretty hot" Artemis responded, making William blush.

The hunters continued on to the Artemis cabin, while William and Artemis went to the Big House to find Chiron. They walked up and saw Chiron sitting in his wheelchair playing a card game with a couple other people. "Chiron" Artemis said drawing the centaur's attention away from the game. "Ah, Lady Artemis, what do we owe this visit to?"  "I'm bringing this demigod to camp" she answered. "Is that all or will you and your hunters be sticking around?" Chiron inquired. "We will be sticking around for at least a week. However there are some other matters that I would like to discuss with you" Artemis answered. 

"Very well. Children you must excuse me" He said to his card game partners before turning and leading the couple into the Big House. They sat down on the couch as Chiron wheeled around across from them, his face showing a little surprise, probably confused at the lack of distance between the two. "What can I do for you my lady?" Chiron asked politely.

"I just wanted to give you some important information. First, William here is Percy's new brother, I will not have him staying in the Poseidon cabin, he will stay in my cabin. Second, William and I have recently struck up a romantic relationship, though that is not the reason for his sleeping with me, that is because he is a flight risk. Third, this week I will be joining in as a camper to spend a some 'normal' time with my man" Artemis said, surprise now all over Chiron's face. 

"Really? You're going to join me? That's great! Why though? and when?" William rambled off questions before Artemis kissed him softly cutting him off. "As soon as we walk out that door. We'll just be two normal dating demigods, no different than say, Percy and Annabeth. As for why, I have to keep an eye on you, or rather the ladies around you, make sure they know you're taken" Artemis answered. "Are you staying like that then?" William questioned Artemis' supermodel nineteen year old body. "What's wrong with this?" Artemis question afraid that he didn't like her this way. "It's just that you're crazy hot and are going to definitely not blend in that way, plus your eyes totally give away who you are" William explained quickly before she took it the wrong way.

Artemis blushed and closed her eyes for a second, as she did, her curves dialed down a little bit, her face became more human and less angelic, then she opened her eyes and they were a light sky blue. Her skin tone, hair colour and height all stayed the same, though her hair was now in a ponytail instead of being loose down her back. She was also now wearing an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and a pair of spandex athletic shorts. 

Chiron had to clear his throat to politely interrupt their moment. "Sorry" William muttered, not really meaning it. 'Gods she looks so hot in that outfit' he thought. "Well I don't see why any of that should be a problem. Welcome to camp William and..."  "Luna" Artemis interjected. "Welcome to camp William and Luna" Chiron said with a smile. It had been a long time since he had seen the goddess of the hunt in a good mood and he for sure wasn't going to ruin it by telling her she couldn't be a camper for a couple days.

Just before they exited the House, Artemis snapped her fingers and put him in a matching Camp shirt, she also gave him a pair of athletic shorts. "Ready to be a camper?" She asked him. "With you I can do anything" and with that they walked out the front door. 

They walked around for a bit before the food horn blew "lunch time" Luna said before pulling him towards the dining pavilion. "Where do you want to sit? With your brother or with the hunters?" Luna asked him. He thought about it for a second. "Let's sit with Percy, I want to let him know that I'm here. We can sit with the hunters tomorrow" William said smiling down at her. 

They got to the pavilion and got a lot less eyeballed than they had been before, they still got some because they were hot and new, but a lot less than before. William could see over the crowd to a table where a blonde and black head were smooshed together. "Over here" he said, his turn to pull her through the crowd she was too short to see through. They made their way over and plopped down across the table from Annabeth and Percy. "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Luna" William introduced them, Percy didn't quite get it though. "Dude what about lady Artemis? She's totally going to kill you!" Percy said panicking at the thought of losing his brother already. The rest of them just laughed and Artemis flashed her real eyes at him and Percy blushed hard in embarrassment. 

"I'm so glad you're here! We can do all kinds of stuff together. All four of us, I don't plan on letting Annabeth get too far away from me either. Last time I did the two of us ended up in Tartarus" Percy joked. "How long are you staying? Dad would really like if we came to visit" Percy asked. "We're only here for the week then we're heading out" William said to Luna's surprise. She thought he would want to stay longer and they'd have to come up with some sort of arrangement for them to see each other. "William you don't have to-" "I want to moonbeam, I'll just come back here every once in a while" He said smiling down at her.

"Well in that case we'll have to go in a couple days, I'll let dad know later. Double date to Atlantis!" Percy said excitedly. Annabeth and William also looked excited but Luna on the other hand had gone completely white. "Well- I- I- I'm not sure about that" "What's wrong arty?" William asked concerned. "I-I've never been in the ocean, children of Zeus aren't allowed" She said still white as a sheet. 

"I've never been in the ocean either, we can do it together" William said trying to calm the goddess down. Percy heard this and almost choked on his burger that had just appeared. "WHAT? You did not say that! The ocean has been my favourite place since I was a kid and you've never even been?" Percy said completely horrified. "Eat up I know the first thing that we're doing!" Percy said inhaling his food even faster than he had been before. 

"You don't have to moonbeam, I can go with Percy. I promise that I will come back, that would be a pretty cheap way to run, somewhere you can't get me" William said as Artemis gained a little more colour back. "As- as long as you come back" she agreed. With that they all finished their breakfast and headed towards the beach. 

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