A missing shadow

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I was thinking of the possible name of the unnamed knight of rounds i dont have any ideas on what their name is.
I'll think of it on the future chapters.

The video provided is the "Until then - Memories", It's the piece Shadow is playing later in the chapter.


4 months has passed since the Thirteen Night Swords Incident. The Shadow Garden has not been able to find and contact Shadow.

Their Leader Shadow has vanished without a trace, leaving his followers in a state of unease, Despite their best effort, they had unable to locate Shadow.

Alpha has summoned Zeta and Epsilon to the Ancient City Alexandria.

Alpha, The second in command in a long period of uncertainty has finally decided to take action.

Sending out messages to Epsilon and Zeta the only available Shades to come back in the Ancient City Alexandria.

Alpha stood at the head of a large table, maps and documents spread before her. Zeta and Epsilon entered the room, Their expression is in a mix of tension and concern.

"Thank you all for coming.  As you may already know, Shadow has been missing for months now, Despite our efforts We found no trace of Shadow. It's time to take more action."  Alpha sighs.

Zeta, always observant and analytical, spoke first. "We've scoured every known hideout and contact. I overheard his 'close friends' that he would be leaving but didnt told them where. But Shadow wouldn't leave without a reason."

Epsilon nodded, hey expression is serious. "I've been reviewing the texts and records we recovered. We might have missed a clue or trail on where shadow sama might be."

Zeta leaned in and pointed at the map on the table. "These sites have seen increased in magical activety recently, this could be a potencial lead. He might have come to one of these places."

Epsilon added, "We should split up and investigate these locations. Each of us takes a different lead. If we find anything, we regroup and share our findings."

"That is a good plan, We should split up and cover more ground as much as possible. Zeta, You'll go investigate the abandoned villages around the outskirt of Mountain range in the Midgar Kingdom, Epsilon, You investigate the abandoned villages near the Oriana Kingdom. I'll go to the Abandoned fortress in the east of Midgar Kingdom."


The trio spent the next few hours preparing for their respective missions. They gathered supplies, reviewed maps, and ensured they had the necessary magical tools for their investigations.

As they readied themselves, Alpha addressed them one final time. "We've faced many challenges, but this is different. Shadow is been missing. I expect your best in this situation, Trust in your skills and in each other."

Zetan replied "We will find him, Alpha."

Epsilon nodded and determined.


Alpha travelled the Abandoned Fortress in the east of Midgar. The fortress was known for its formidable defenses and hidden chambers. If Shadow had been there, he would have left some sign.

As Alpha reached her destination she immediatly sensed faint Shadow's Magic implying that he had been there, preparing to go inside the fortress preparing for the worst. 

Upon entering, she saw a large number of skeletons in the fortress, Shadow is been there but it was atleast 4 months ago. She searched for more clues but found nothing. She decided to head back to the Mitsugoshi established in Midgar.

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