Shadow Vs Seven Shades

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Author's note    

   Hell yeah! Im cooking today. Its my 18th birthday. 
      I'll make Gamma less clumsy for this and give her a cool gimmick.
     Also the weapons they used in this chapter are all the weapons they used in                                 the official TEIS game.


Shadow exited the meeting room, Walking in the dimly lit hallway. He reached a large window overlooking the entire training area, he paused.

Below, the numbers of the Shadow Garden were fully focused in their rigorous training, sparring intensely with one another. The clashing of swords, improving their breathing and stamina. 

Shadow observing their training couldn't help but smile. 

Suddenly, Shadow sensed a familiar presence approaching from behind. Without turning, he already knew it was Lambda. 

She stopped a few feet away, noticing Shadow's intense observation of the training session.

"Master Shadow," she greeted.

Shadow turned his head slightly, meeting her gaze. "Don't mind me," he said with a small wave of his hand, signaling her to continue with her duties.

Lambda nodded and went off to ensure the training continued smoothly. Shadow returned his gaze to the training grounds, his smile widening ever so slightly as an idea began to form in his mind.


Moments later, the Seven Shades exited the meeting room and were making their way to the training grounds when they noticed Shadow's presence by the window. They instinctively knew something was coming.

As they approached, Shadow shifted his attention from the training grounds to the Shades themselves.

"Why don't we train right now?" Shadow suggested, his voice carrying a certain weight that made it clear this was more than a simple request. "I want to see what you're capable of when an unexpected battle arrives. Don't hold back."

Before any of them could respond, Shadow's form blurred, disappearing from sight. In an instant, he reappeared in the center of the training camp, his presence commanding the entire area. The Shades and the members of the Shadow Garden immediately turned their attention to him, sensing the shift in atmosphere.

Lambda, who had been overseeing the training, quickly orders everyone.  "Stand aside! Make way for Master Shadow!"

Standing in the center, Shadow gestures the shades to follow him.   All of them appeared before him. Creating their weapon of choice from slimes and gripping it. they knew they had to try and push their limits in this fight together.

Shadow turned to the Shades, gesturing for them to step forward. "Come," he ordered, his tone composed. "Don't hold back. Show me what you've got."

Lifting his arms up and readies his stance.  clenching his fist and using magic to deal more damage.

Without a word, Zeta initiated the attack, vanishing into mist form, her presence completely masked. She reappeared behind Cid, her two moon blades flashing as she aimed for his back. But Cid, anticipating her move, casually leaned forward, dodged it.

Before he could counter, Delta charged in from the side, her massive brute sword swinging with immense force. The ground trembled under her feet as she closed the distance in a single bound. Cid, unfazed, ducked under the swing. feelin the massive pass over his head.

As he stood up, Zeta struck again, this time from his blind spot, forcing him to sidestep and counter her with a swift kick that sent her back.

"I never thought i would see the both of you teaming together.." He said, smiling.

Suddenly, arrows rained down from above. Beta, Cid moved effortlessly, deflecting some of the arrows with a flick of a finger, while others he dodged with minimal movement

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