Tony Stark

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Hey guys!

I'm really sorry for the late update; life has been in the way and my updates may be less frequent now. Thank you so much for 34 reads! Also, I'm very sorry if I'm getting the depth of the Hudson wrong, I didn't do my research. Also, sorry for Bruce's mouthing off, this chapter may become a little colourful.

Please comment any suggestions if you enjoyed, and especially if you didn't.


Bold = almost Hulk'd out

Bold and all caps = HULK IS HERE



    After Bruce's episode I'm extremely concerned with his physical, and mental, stability. He seems different, more vulnerable, more fragile than I've ever seen him. Whatever Ross had done to him had changed him. I've just begun to realize how much the Avenger's split all those years ago affected him. The Avengers were his family, the only people he truly trusted, and then we had just given in and let the government tear us apart. I hadn't understood why he had been so mad, so angsty at the time,  but now I do. We—I—had betrayed him, sent him back to a life on the run from the law, taken away the only home he ever had. Bruce is silent, picking at his food, head down.

     "I thought you like shawarma?" I ask. A sad smile plays on Bruce's lips, but he doesn't raise his head.

     "Four years ago Tony. People change. Although, I suppose you don't get that, stuck up in your fancy tower out of the real world." I'm silent. That hurts. But I suppose the truth always hurts.

     After a moment, I speak, "Sorry." Bruce frowns and looks up, meeting my eyes briefly.

     "Why? Why are you sorry? Why now? Why not before? How come, when I really needed you, you weren't there, and now you come and act like some concerned chivalrous hero?" Bruce was getting more worked up each passing moment and people were beginning to stare.

     "Bruce, maybe calm down a b—"

     "—No! Why should I calm down? Huh? I have every right to be—" One of the waiters came over.

     "Uh, excuse me gentlemen... if you can't calm yourselves, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I nod.

     "Yes, I understand. We're sorry for any trouble." As the waiter left Bruce slumped in his seat.

     "I should leave. I was stupid for thinking that—"

     "—No! No, Bruce. You're not stupid. You never were. You are one of the most brilliant minds I know, maybe even the most brilliant. Don't let anyone, ever tell you otherwise." Bruce looked down again, and when he spoke, his voice was barely a whisper.

     "Tony, you know I can't. My father—"

     "—Your father was the stupid one. I've told you before, and I'll continue telling you this." I need to get off this topic, fast. Bruce's father was abusive, and he was part of the reason Bruce had become the Hulk in the first place. "Bruce, please. Trust me—"

     "Trust you?! Why should I trust you?" Bruce had leapt to his feet. That voice. Oh no. People were looking at us now, gawking. Bruce's face looked partially green now. His mood was swinging so fast. What was going on? I had to get to the bottom of this.

     "Bruce... please, just—"

     "No!" Bruce slumped back down in his seat. "You know, when I first met you, I figured you were another arrogant billionaire playboy, thinking they rule the world because they had all the tech and all the money. Boy did you trick me into thinking you weren't. You're not special Tony. You're just a celebrity who is way out of his league." I sit there, stunned by his words. The weight of his anger and hurt is almost too much to bear. 

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