Tony Stark

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Hello. Er, so I don't know if anyone has actually read this, but I'm just putting out an author's note to say this chapter deals with some heavy emotions and violence. If you don't agree with the following, please do not read; Torture, psychological damage, sadism. If there are people reading this, thank you so much! I really appreciate your support.

~ ImmortalLionWarrior1



     "Hello? You've reached Stark industries. This is the Life Model Decoy of Tony Stark speaking. How can I he—"

     "—Tony, this is Natasha. I don't have time for your games. I shouldn't be talking to you at all,  but I thought you might want to know that Bruce has been captured by Ross and Steve was arrested for trespassing, impersonation, fraud, and violation of military law. Hill's fired Clint, and I'm probably next. Oh no. I ha—"


     "Wait! What? Natasha? Natasha?! Nat?! What do you mean?!" my hand shakes as I slid down into my plush chair scotch spilling on my shirt. Bruce. I haven't heard from, or about, Bruce Banner since the Avengers split over four years ago. I had always Kept hope that he would contact me in some way, show that he still cared. But why would he? After what had happened I had no right to expect anything from him. I knew I deserved it. But now Ross had Bruce. Bruce, the brilliant mind trapped within the fury of the Hulk, now at the mercy of Ross, a man who saw him as nothing more than another toy to play with, to enjoy its tortures. I could only imagine what Ross was doing to him right now. And Steve behind bars! Steve, with that damn unwavering moral compass, now facing charges that went against everything he stood for. Trying to protect Bruce. I should have been there. I should have taken the fall. Not Cap. Not the All-America, order loving, rule following, symbol of national hope. And Clint, loyal to a fault, cast aside without a second thought. Given the boot by one of the few people he had trusted. Nat's job in limbo. Natasha, always walking the tightrope, now dangling over the abyss. I could have helped. But instead, I was here, in my billion-dollar mansion, getting drunk on thousand dollar scotch. I jolted as the door to the room was flung open.

     "J.A.R.V.I.S.?! Wha—" I gasp. It was Ross. And behind him, being dragged by two armed guards, bruised and bleeding and battered, with no light in his eyes, was Bruce Banner.

     "Bruce? What? Ross, what the hell do you want with Bruce?!" My fury is palpable, but Ross is just amused. He smiled.

     "Ah, that's why I came. You see, I am running some tests on Banner's condition, and I need your help. And don't even think of refusing. Not with what I know. If you try anything funny, I will make sure Banner pays the price." frack Ross! Damn him! I couldn't let him get away with this! I growl.

     "Ross, you son of a *bleep*!" Ross's expression hardens.

     "Can it Stark. You know, I have been being nice, but I see you don't deserve my kindness. Boys?" Ross's guards grab Bruce and pin him down. Bruce's eyes flash with terror.

     "No no no no no, please! Please! Not again!" Bruce screamed as Ross's men stabbed him with a needle filled with red liquid. I run to Bruce's side and push away the guards.

     "Stop! Stop it! Call them off Ross! I'll do it! Just... don't hurt him." I can't believe I had given into Ross, but I had no other choice.  I couldn't just stand by and let Bruce suffer! Ross held up his hand.

     "Stand down boys. Come along Stark. I'll show you to your workplace." The guards released Bruce, leaving him trembling on the floor. I helped him to his feet, feeling the weight, or  rather lightness, of his weakened frame. His eyes met mine and I was shocked a how empty they were. What had Ross done?

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