Bruce Banner

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Hi! I know I've been away for a little bit, but here's the next chapter! Oh, and by the way, please comment what you like and what you think I can improve. I'm always open to suggestions!

Punjabi - Bold

Flashback - Italicised

Don't ask what those are for. Just read. And I would keep the writing in actual Punjabi, but I want everyone to understand my writing, so it's either romanised or I've just given the English words in bold.

Happy reading!

~ ImmortalLionWarrior1


     I groan as my eyes blink open. Why is it always so bright? As my eyes begin to adjust, I hear a voice. It's pretty much a pattern. First I am tortured and injured, then knocked out. Then, I  awake to bright lights and people conversing. Next I am given a false sense of security only to be taken by Ross for more torturing and injury. The cycle repeats. Story of my life.

     "...Bruce? Bruce?" I shake myself from my thoughts and try to respond. My vision begins to clear and I see Tony sitting next to my bed. He looks terrible. Actually, I must look terrible as well. I certainly feel the part. Everything hurts.

     "Bruce?!" Tony sounds panicked now and I realise that I've been staring emptily into space. I manage to choke out a word.

     "Tony," I croak. My throat feels like a desert. Relief spreads through Tony's face. He reached out for me and I allow him to embrace me.

     "Bruce," he breathes into my shoulder, "Don't do that to me. Please." I realise how worried he had been. Huh. I guess you never truly lose good friends. As Tony holds me close, pain shoots through me, both physical and emotional. I wince, sucking air through my teeth. "Are you okay?"

     I groan, "yeah." I shrug off Tony's arms. He looks hurt and I feel bad, but I can't. I can't do this. Not after what happened. Not after what I'd done. "Tony, I... I can't."

     "Can't wha—"

     "I can't do this!" I gesture around us, "Can't pretend like nothing happened! B-because a lot happened." My voice cracks, ending in a whisper. Tony is silent for a moment. When he speaks, his voice shakes.

     "Bruce, I..."

     "Just don't Tony. I appreciate what you've done for me, but stop helping me. Because now I owe you. And I can't have that."

     Tony sighs, "Okay. I... I get it. But, let, let me treat you to lunch, one last time. We need to talk at the very least. Ross won't be around today. He's checking up on the Abomination." I groan. Why won't Tony just understand? I begin to refuse, but some thing stops me.

     "Okay. For old time's sake." I begin to stand, wincing with every step.  As I reach the door Tony's voice stops me.

     He whispers quietly, pain in his voice, "Oh, and Bruce? I don't know about you, but I can't, and won't, ever stop helping you."

     A few minutes later, we're both changed and strolling through downtown New York. It's strangely disconcerting to be out on the streets without worrying if anyone will recognize me. Ross's injection had also nullified the Hulk, and my interest was piqued despite myself. I had managed to come to and uneasy peace with the Hulk while I was on the run, and now it seems to all be crashing down. As me and Tony cross the road I catch sight of a little girl crying. I am able to catch what she is saying.

     "Mere papas! Tainu pata hai mere papas kithe ne?" everyone ignores her, probably because they can't understand her, but I can. My three year spell in Kolkata is the reason I am practically fluent in Hindi and Punjabi and I know basic Gujrathi. You get all sorts looking for a good radiation doctor, even though most of the time I just dealt with the common colds. The little girl was calling for her dads, 'My fathers! Do you know where my fathers are?' I go over to the girl and kneel next to her.

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