The Rings of Akhaten - Two

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I can't put into words how much I love this episode, the speech from the Doctor at the end, the song, the VISUALS (sorry I am excited) I hope I did the episode somewhat justice but that's enough from me, let's get on with it!

─── 。゚☆・*.☽ .* ☆゚. ───

With the Stone and Araya on one of the bikes and the Doctor and Clara on the other, they sped off as fast as they could through space and towards Merry who reached out of Clara's hand. "Merry!" She shouted as the girl was pulled into the pyramid, the door slammed shut behind her.

"Brakes!" Clara shouted just after seeing the Stone slam on hers. "Brakes!"

The Doctor quickly put his in. Skidding the bike to a stop, making Clara clutch onto him. "Okay, time to let go." He wheezed out.

"I can't." She replied eyes tightly closed shut. The Stone chuckled slightly thankful that she had Araya on her bike and not Clara.

"Clara, you have to."


"Because it really hurts." He said making her let go and he let out a sigh.


Araya and the Stone jumped off the bike. The Stone scanned the door with her screwdriver and frowned as the Doctor did the same, interested in why she looked so confused. "Oh, that's interesting." He glanced at the Time Lady. "A frequency-modulated acoustic lock. The key changes ten million zillion squillion times a second."

"Can you open it?" Clara looked between the pair.

"Technically, no." He grinned making the Stone instantly know what he was going to do. "In reality, also no, but still, let's give it a stab." He ran to the door and launched himself at it, groaning loudly when his shoulder collided with it.

"How can they just stand there and watch?" Clara asked watching the Time Lords scan the door again.

"Because this is sacred ground."

"And she's a child." She countered.

"And he's a god." The Doctor reminded. "Well, he is to them, anyway."

A high-pitched scream echoed through the pyramid and the walls and door, Araya quickly hid behind her mother, and Clara started to pound on the door. "Merry!" She hit her fist on it. "Merry, hold on! We'll be there soon. Doctor?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." He grinned brightly. "Oh, hello."

"Hello, what?" She questioned.

"The sonic's locked onto the acoustic tumblers."


The Stone smirked. "Meaning we get to do this." They forced the door to move with their sonics. The Doctor winced a little when he moved to stand under it but of course, he wasn't alone, the Stone was right by his side helping him hold the door with her own screwdriver.

"Hello there." He nodded to Merry who looked at them terrified, a mummified creature sat on the large chair in the glass case, and the Chorister kneelt in front of the glass box still singing. "I'm the Doctor, this is my wife the Stone and you've met Clara and our daughter, Araya." He nodded at the little girl hiding behind his legs. "They were supposed to be having a nice day out, Araya hasn't actually been outside in space before, then again neither has Clara. Still, it's early yet. Are you coming, then?"

"Did we mention that the door is immensely heavy?" The Stone said through a wince.

"Leave." Merry protested. "You'll wake him."

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