𝓍𝒾𝓍, arra norrey.

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chapter nineteen, arra norrey.

Alana stood infront of the godswood, watching as its leafs swayed in the wind

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Alana stood infront of the godswood, watching as its leafs swayed in the wind. It had been a few days since Daeron's departure yet again. Alana had yet to receive a letter from her brother, informing her Arra and how she has yet to give birth.

The sounds of the large tree were peaceful, it was quiet despite the sounds of the city. Alana stood silently until she heard footsteps come behind her.

"Alana." Helaena stood next to Alana, her hands on her slight bump on her stomach.

"Helaena." Alana smiled, looking at Helaena before looking back at the godswood.

"It's been a while since i've been where, I feel as if the eyes are looking at me." Helaena spoke, her voice calm.

"I suppose, especially when the eyes start to 'bleed'..." Alana sighed, looking down at hands.

"It's like they are weeping at us." Helaena joked, looking back at Alana.

"I suppose." Alana chuckled, before looking at Helaena. "How do you feel?" She glanced at Helaena's growing stomach.

"Good, despite sometimes feeling sick." Helaena smiled, rubbing the slight bump on her stomach.

"I'm sure it'll get better." Alana smiled at her reassuring, before looking back at the old tree.

Helaena tore her eyes away from Alana and looked at the godswood. "You miss the north?"

"Yes, and my brother." Alana nodded, biting the inside of her cheek. "But this is my home now.."

"I think you'll get used to it." Helaena smiled, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.


Alana walked to her chambers, Ser Coren walked behind her, his armor sounding off the walls every time he walked.

The day was late, having spent most of her day with Helaena. Alana yawned as Ser Coren opened up the door for her, before standing guard by the door.

The door closed behind her, Aegon was in the room standing by the window, staring into night. The fire illuminated the room, casting shadows dancing on the walls.

Aegon turned around, hearing the door shut. "You're late."

"Apologies, Helaena and I were talking for a while." Alana sighed, taking off her jewelry setting it on the vanity, but not taking off the necklace Aegon gave her.

"What about?" He pushed himself away from the window, and walked towards her.

Alana shrugged, "Many things."

Aegon looked at her, "About?"

"I do not remember." Alana spoke, walking to the fire, undoing her braid from her hair.

Aegon nodded, watching as her hair slowly cascaded down her back, it took everything in him not to run his hands through her brunette locks. "You should wear your hair down more often." He spoke without thought.

Alana turned and looked at him in surprise, "Should I?"

Aegon nodded walking closer to her, "It looks nice like this."

Alana was suprised by his words but made no move to stop him, "Perhaps I shall..wear it down."

Aegon nodded before looking at the necklace he stole for her, Aegon chuckled remembering that night. "You still wear it."

"It is a nice necklace, It doesn't even pull on my hair." Alana brought a hand up to the necklace, her fingers skimming over the direwolf.

"I choose the right one then." Aegon smiled, before looking down at her lips, he felt a sudden urge to just kiss her right then and there.

Alana smiled, noticing how his eyes drifted down on her face. She felt a strong urge to kiss him there, she could tell he wanted to as well by the way he was looking at her.

Aegon shook any bad thoughts he had in his mind, and brought his hand up to her chin, so that her head tilted back both looking at each other.

Alana licked her lips bracing herself what was to come, she had been wanting this for weeks and now it was finally happening.

Aegon leaned in, she smelt like lavender but with a scent of leathers. He brought his other hand on the side of her neck, as she placed her hands on his forearms, encouraging him almost.

They both leaned in, just as their breaths hit each others lips a knock sounded off the door, making them look at the door, their hands falling onto their sides.

Aegon hesitated but stepped away, "What is it?"

Alana was suprised to hear a knock on the door at this hour, but was annoyed that it had to be at that moment. A maid popped her head in, before opening the door fully, a letter with a direwolf sigil on it. "Apologies, my prince, my lady, a raven from the North an urgent one." The maid held the letter to Alana, before leaving with a bow.

Alana stood back infront of the fire, opening the letter, her eyes reading off the words. Alana let out a shaky sigh as she finished the letter, Aegon watching her.

"It's from my brother, he has a son Rickon." Alana looked at him, "But-his wife died from complications during birth."

"I'm sorry.." Aegon put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"I wasn't even that close to her..but my poor brother.." Alana looked at the floor, Cregan had no family close but his son who looked like his late wife. "But my nephew is healthy." She looked at the letter again.

Alana sighed, and threw the letter in the fire, watching as the paper burnt into nothing.

"He'll be okay...he has his son.." Alana nodded, trying to calm herself.

sorry i haven't been updating lately.

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