Chapter 50: The I Heart Aurora Tour

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Thanks to Andy, I now know how to say I love you in 10 languages. In Prague, it was "Miluji tě, Aurora." In Vienna, it was back to ich liebe dich. In Budapest, it was "Szeretlek, Aurora." In Ljubljana, it was "Ljubim te, Aurora." In Zagreb, he said, "Volim te, Aurora." In Rome, it was "Ti amo, Aurora." Then, in Madrid, it was "Te amo, Aurora." In Paris, he said, "Je t'aime, Aurora." In Brussels, he spoke the words of love in French, Flemish. The latter was a version of Dutch, in which he told me he loved me in Amsterdam, and it went as follows: "Ik hou van je, Aurora."

By the time they played in Great Britain, I thought he'd stop because he already knew how to say the words in English, but his declarations had become a thing, so people actually brought posters to the Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Dublin shows with the words "I love you, Aurora" written on them. The same thing started happening before. I think it was the Rome show that signaled the beginning of the posters. The European tour was called the I ❤️ Aurora tour by Black Veil Brides' fans. It was silly and sweet at the same time. I felt embarrassed and loved every time he said the words into the microphone. I'd never blushed as frequently as I did in those days.

The news about the phenomenon made it to the States, and there were a couple of articles written about it. One of them gushed over how adorable it was that 'The heartthrob singer from Black Veil Brides proved time and again that love was an international concept that knew no boundaries.' The other one started a petition to give Andy the 'sweetest boyfriend of the year award.' I was surprised his actions were met with such positive reactions. I was no longer 'the hotel homewrecker.' My new title was 'the luckiest girlfriend in the World,' with which I honestly had to agree.

While the peel gang fully supported our relationship and were really happy for us, they got exceedingly grumpy as the tour went on. It was totally understandable. Andy had his girlfriend with him all the time, and we weren't all that considerate with our 'shout it from the rooftops' attitude. They missed their wives who were literally an ocean away. CC had it the worst, I think. He and Nat were in the middle of taking the biggest step in their whole relationship, and he couldn't be there for her. It was clear that all of them were a bit fed up after their year of touring and couldn't wait for their well-deserved year-long break. Which made the surprise I planned for them all the better. I was in contact with the girls every day, and I, of course, told them how shitty the overall mood was on this tour. So, I suggested that they could all fly out to Paris since we did have a bit of a break there. I booked four plane tickets for them, called the hotel we were going to stay at and arranged for two more rooms to be booked, and I created a whole itinerary for the ten of us (with plenty of alone couple time in between). Ruby left Ringo with Jinxx's parents, in case you were wondering. I didn't tell anyone, not even Andy, about the surprise. They landed in time to make it to the Paris show. I put them on the VIP list, and that was that. (Oh, by the way, I was in charge of the VIP thing this time around. I checked people's tickets, told them all the rules, and made sure everything went smoothly...) So, in Paris, I had them start with the VIP Meet and Greet early, under the pretense that there were more people on the list than usual. They bought the lie, of course. Silly geese. Hehe. I had the bouncer let the girls in early in order for the reunion to be private. The guys came out, fully expecting to see a long line of fans, but were rendered speechless when they saw their wives. All four of them were very emotional and teary-eyed about it. They dispersed into different corners of the arena and exchanged hugs and kisses with their spouses. It even had me in tears. Not that it's difficult to make me cry. We all know I'm an emotional wreck most of the time.

"You're really awesome, you know that?" Andy had commented when we were alone. "I just wanted them to be in a better mood," I admitted. "That is incredibly sweet of you. I can't believe how good you are at keeping secrets, though," he chuckled. "I didn't know if I could trust you with this, sorry," I blushed. "I probably would have let it slip," he nodded. "So, when did you arrange all of this?" He asked. "When we were in Slovenia. After CC told us to go to hell for kissing backstage," I told him. "God, that was so awkward," he face-palmed. "Yeah, I felt so bad that I didn't dare talk to him until Rome," I chuckled. "I'm sorry," he frowned. "It's all water under the bridge. I get why they've been moody. You're all tired and so close to the finish line at this point. It's totally fair that they've been the way they have. You would be too if I was in America right now. Hell, you were worse than them in June," I said matter-of-factly. "Don't remind me," he groaned and buried his face in my hair. I laughed and hugged him tightly. When we let each other go, I checked the time on my phone and saw that I'd have to go outside and start checking the tickets. "Can you go tell them that they should be back here in 15 minutes?" I asked. "Of course," he smiled and kissed me goodbye. It was nice to be able to do that without anyone shouting at us to get a room. As much as I arranged this reunion for the guys, I also did it for selfish reasons.

The guys were all ready on time. The way they beamed on all the photos with the fans was amazing. They were all finally happy, and it showed. The Meet and Greet never took too long, and they were back with the girls after half an hour. We all hung out together backstage before the concert began. The Paris show was the best one on that tour. Really, hats off to them.

In those few days we all had in Paris, we did some sightseeing together, but we mostly spent them separately. We all saw Musée d'Orsay and the Louvre together, and that was it. Andy and I visited the Eiffel Tower, the Georges Pompidou Centre, and went on a night tour around the city of love. He bought a black heart-shaped keychain with our intials engraved into it, and we hung it on Pont de l'Archevêché. It was the most famous lovers' bridge in the world. I found it incredibly romantic that he thought to do that.

The time in Paris passed way too quickly for anyone's liking, and the girls had to return home. The guys were all devastated about it, but their mood was a lot better for the remainder of the tour. Andy and I received a heartfelt apology from all of them, and our friendship was finally back on track. It also helped that we tried being more considerate with our PDAs.

In other news, I spent most of the free time I had reading a book Andy received at the Zagreb show. It wasn't unusual for fans to bring gifts to the Meet and Greets at all. But the policy was that the gifts weren't allowed to be given to the band directly. So, when the time came for the VIP to start in Zagreb, I had to disappoint a girl with red and black hair. She asked if she could give the band a book, and I told her that she could give it to me and that I'd give it to them later. I hated the look on her face when I broke the news to her. It was clear how much it meant to her, and I had just ruined her dream. Right before they came out, she asked if she could at least hold the book in her hands while they all took a photo together, and I said, 'Of course.' When it was her turn, she stepped up to them and spoke, "So, uh, I wrote this book during summer while only listening to your music." They looked a bit taken aback. "Congrats, that's amazing," Jinxx said. "Thank you," she blushed, "I wanted to give you a copy. But if you're not gonna keep it, I'd rather give it to someone else." Andy gave her a funny sort of look and then said, "I'll keep it." Her eyes widened, and her expression went from one of defeat to complete surprise. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah, I'll keep it forever," he smiled. She grinned happily and said, "Okay." Then they all took a photo together, and she handed the book to him. He forgot to put it down before the next person's turn. I had to hide my smile at that. At some point, he put the book down but picked it back up before they left the area. "That was really nice of you," I smiled at him and pointed at the book. "She looked like it meant a lot to her," he shrugged. "It very obviously did. I hope you meant what you said about keeping it," I said. "I did," he nodded. "Do you want me to put it in my backpack for safe keeping?" I asked. He nodded and gave me the yellow book. I read the title. 'Cliché' it said. The cover was very obviously done in a paint app, but it wasn't bad. It was definitely eye-catching.

So, like I said, I've been reading it. It was a very fun read. And very obviously a fanfic about Andy. I mean, the names were made up, but some of the details were way too familiar for it to be a coincidence. There was one character in there that wasn't in the main band but in one of his own. I would bet my right arm that the person was originally Ronnie. It was really amusing. I told Andy all of this, and he didn't believe me at first. I showed him some of the passages to prove my point. He folded in the end. I was sure he'd hate the book because he wasn't really into reading fanfiction about himself, but I was wrong. I mean, the story was made up mostly. Really, the only similarities were his birthday, the number of bandmembers, and stuff like that. Nothing too serious. So, he's actually been reading the book, too. And he's been enjoying it. A couple of days ago, Andy received a comment on one of his posts. The person was asking if he still had the book. I looked up the person's profile, and I recognized her as the author of the book. So, I replied to her comment, telling her that he still had it, that I was reading the book and how much I was enjoying it. She replied right back, thanking me and telling me how much this meant to her. It made me smile ear to ear.

That about sums up my favorite parts of this tour so far. There's only one show left tonight. And that means that I'll meet Bring Me the Horizon in less than 12 hours. It also means that we're half a day away from the end of touring season. We're all excited for the end and the well-deserved holidays.

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