Chapter 10

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" I can't believe that man still made us continue that torturous practice even after that poor girl fainted", Sophia says as we walk to an empty table at the cafeteria with our food tray.

"I know right, he probably thought she faked it or something",I say before we take a seat.

"Even though, he should have ended the practice!! "

" I can't be more happy that it's finally over, I wanted to die on that field", I say with a groan and she lets out a laugh.

" Saw how hard you were panting after your run, know what else I saw", she says with a sly smile and I know it can't be good.

" What?", I say suspiciously.

" You and Femi acting all lovey dovey", she says in a sing song manner.

" I knew you wouldn't let it slide", I say with a grain before biting into my chicken.

" Of course not, who am I if I let it  slide, even though Dara was shooting you death stares", she says with a laugh.

" Reallyyy?, didn't even notice her"

" Of course you didn't when you were busy doing lovey dovey with your boo boo", she says and I roll my eyes at her words. " You could have seen her face though, wish I had snapped it cause damn girl, the hate was radiating all over her!"

" Well it ain't my fault her man didn't sit and chat with her"

" Ohh, look who's getting all feisty, I have a feeling this term is gonna be very eventful with lots of dramaaaa and I'm sat for itt, can't waitt"

I roll my eyes at her " Drama queen"

" That's mee, you know I live for things like that"

" Yeah yeah yeah"

" What about you though",I say wiggling my eyebrows.

" What about me? ", she says with a nonchalant shrug.

" Oh pleasee, I saw how lovey dovey you were with Chiké", I say and I see her eyes grow big almost choking on her drink.

" Wait, what ewww no"

" Eww no what, ehnn fine girl, think I didn't see you when he rushed to your side when you fell and how he gave you his water bottle cause you forgot yours"

" Oh please, I'm not taking him serious hate"

" Why nott!!"

" What's why not, you know how flirty Chiké is, you can never know if he's being genuine or not"

" I'm sure he's serious, remember he asked me if you were single? "

" Yeah yeah, single to be his new fling, abeggi, I'm not in for those drama of his "

" Just give him a try naw, you can never say. He could be genuine, yeah I know how flirty he can be but aren't all guys like that? "

" Femi isn't like that"

" We don't know that yet, he's only been here for few days "

" We both know he is a gentleman, yes a few flirting here and there but he's a gentleman true and true. Even though self, it's not like Chiké has asked me out or anything"

" He should do that as soon as possible o before you become unsingle again"

" Yes o, let him know"

I look to my phone and see we only have few minutes before break is over. " Oh nooo, now I have to mentally prepare for my next class"

" Break is almost over?!, oh God noo, I can't do this anymore", she says laying her head on the table in despair.

" Sorry, I also can't wait for closing hour "

" Easy for you to say, you don't have to endure 2 periods of chemistry!! I haven't even done my assignment, oh God no, who sent me message to go to this department self. You self, why you no come this department with me ehnn, leaving me alone to endure this torture. It's not fairrr", she says whining and pulling at her hair and I let out a little laugh at her antics.

" I'm sorry, it's not my fault, science isn't just my calling"

"Yenyenyen, you should have made it oneee!"

"It's not my fault, I also have to endure Yoruba you know and besides you have Femi also so you won't be all alone".

" True sha, I guess it's better than Yoruba but even though. Wo, let me just eat my food fess before I worry about what to do next abeg I can't kill myself", Sophia says and I laugh but agree with her. We do need food to endure the torture of the rest of the day.

We rush to eat our remaining food before the bell is rung.

Dan Dan dannn, another chapter is uppppp. Please do read and let me know your thoughts.

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Don't forget to stay safe and as always I love you all ❤️.

Mwahhhh 😘.

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