Chapter 31

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*Haylie's POV*
I woke up to my arm strapped to my side in pain. My whole body ached from last nights excursion. I tried to sit up but had a hand pushing me back down gently. I looked and was shocked to find professor Snape sitting there.

"Save your strength. " He growled "You'll need it. " Then he got up and walked away.

George came and sat on my bed. Fred had woken up a while ago but had gone back up to the dorms to sleep for a little longer. George hugged me lightly then left after a little shooing from Madam Pomfrey. Soon after Professor Dumbledore walked in.

"I see youre doing better." He stated

"Yes sir, Much." I responded "Sirius...?" I asked hesitantly

"Ah. That shall be determined in a few minutes I believe."

As he said it my brothers came in with Hermione hot on their heels. All three looked very pleased with themselves. "Its done sir!" Hermione piped up.

"Excellent. Well I'll leave you to fill Miss Potter in on your adventures while she was here resting." And with that he walked out.

All of them rushed to my bedside and quickly started talking about how they went back in time or something and saved Sirius and how he was safe now. I looked at them astounded and then my face turned into a grin. I couldn't believe they all did that and I called them over for a group hug.

Not long after I was yelled at by Madam Pomfrey rest if I ever wanted to get out of my bed. So I listened but the twins stayed behind a little longer. I was glad for that. I felt safe with my brothers around. I loved them so much. I hugged them both and kissed both of their cheeks in turn then fell asleep.

*George's POV*

Haylie fell asleep fast due to her exhaustion. I turned to my look alike. "You lover her don't you?" I asked

"Of course I do, Don't you?" He asked surprised

"You know what I mean." I stated

He looked down slightly then back at her. He gingerly reached out and brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face then sighed. "I don't know George. Would it be wrong to say I do?"

I thought about it for a minute. Then I shook my head. I loved her too but she was my sister. The two of them had a little more of a bond that she and I did and that wasn't any of our faults. She would always be my little sister. Just like she would always be his sister. "Does she know?"

"I don't think so." He said.

I nodded then I walked over and hugged my brother and he hugged me back. We held on longer than normal h of us realizing how close we came to losing her, Ron, and each other tonight.  Then we both Kissed Haylie's cheeks and walked out to head up to our common room.

Haylie Elizabeth PotterWhere stories live. Discover now