15. Married the Enemy

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"You left and married the enemy?"

"You were thrilled when I wasnt marrying joffrey." Rieka sassed. "Where is Arya?"

"Not here, she hasnt been since father was thrown in a cell!" Sansa demanded. 

"Lying little..." Rieka hissed. 

"You are lucky they are not killing you! You married renly baratheon?"

"I did and he was wonderful. Joffrey is a monster-"

"Dont say such things!" Sansa begged. 

"Sansa!" Rieka demanded. 

"STOP! You will spoil everything!"

"What am I spoiling?" Rieka countered. "That we are hostages? I should have run." She said softly. 

"Hey.' loras said from the doorway. Sansa swooned. "You alright Rieka?" Sansa's swoon turned to a scowl at her sister. 

"Sansa is being a bitch but yeah." Rieka answered moving to him.

"Rieka! Dont speak such ways!" Sansa whined. 

"You see why i didnt want to come back for her." Rieka mumbled hugging Loras. He wrapped his arms around her kissing her forehead. 

'Can we walk?" Loras questioned. 

"We were done here." Rieka agreed heading off. "Whats going on?"

"Can I convince you to come to supper with margaery and I?"

"Sure. No convincing needed-"

"And the king."

"I'm suddenly feeling ill," Rieka declared bringing a hand to her head. "Oh, it is hot in here? I'm feverish and my stomach," She doubled over clutching her abdomen. Loras rolled his eyes. "It's going to explode! I must lay down..." she smirked back at him. 

"You could have said no." Loras told her. 

"I could have." Rieka agreed. "But then I would feel bad." 

"You are lucky I love you. "Loras said as he headed off. RIeka stared back at him. Had she said it before? She told renly... Loras said it so casually like he had said it a dozen times. 

"Loras." Rieka called back. 

"Change your mind?" Loras questioned turning to her. 

"No. But I love you." Rieka said. A smile curved his lips as he headed off. 

"I can't believe you! Calling me names after I meet my future husband!" 

"What are you talking about?" Rieka demanded. 

"Ser Loras, he gave me the rose, remember?" Sansa sassed. "We are meant to be and you made me seem awful."

"Listen to yourself, sansa. You are awful." 

"Your Grace."

"Your Grace." Loras echoed his sister.

"Please, sit. Sit. I do apologize, my lady. Small council meetings. At what point does it become treason to waste the king's time?" Joffrey declared, as they bowed. Margaery laughed out. "That's a lovely gown, my lady." Loras was bored, he would rather be with rieka, she made him laugh and smile so easily. She was right, coming back was pointless, there was nothing here for them. He should have taken her north or to high garden even. 

"Yes, it suits you perfectly. I imagine you might be rather cold." Cersei added seeing the lack of fabric.

"The climate is a bit more forgiving back in Highgarden, Your Grace." Margaery admitted.

"Shall I have them bring you a shawl, my lady?" Joffrey questioned.

"I am touched by your concern, Your Grace. Luckily for us Tyrells, our blood runs quite warm. Doesn't it, Loras?" Loras held back a groan as he answered.


"You made me suffer alone." Loras said coming into rieka's chamber. 

"Oh I'm so ill," She moaned from the tub, smiling back at him. 'Was it awful?"

"The awfulest." he agreed. "Cersei hates Margaery."

"Margaery and cersei both have bitchy qualities that can't compete without bloodshed." Rieka agreed. She stepped away from the water. "Hand me a towel?" He snagged the towel off the counter and walked to her in the slow stride of a predator on the hunt. It took everything she had to not take a step back as he stopped in front of her and wrapped the towel around her cold shoulders. They were close, and it's all too easy to remember what they were doing last time he had his hands on her. Who they were with the last time they were like this. She forced herself to hold his gaze.

"You can let go, I can handle it." she whispered. He waited a moment and then slowly released the towel. She had to grab it to keep it from sliding off her shoulders. She expected him to move back, but he just stood there and watched her dry off.

"It's about time you and I had a chat dont you think Rieka?"

"So chat." she focused on getting as much water out of her hair as possible without looking at him. "is this the im right and you were wrong speech?"

"partly." Loras agreed. 

"Great." Rieka confirmed moving to her nightclothes. 

"I... we are different without Renly." Loras remarked, she nodded slipping on her dress. "But we are still us." 

"I like that." Rieka confirmed turning to him. "I... Loras I love you. I loved Renly too. I hate that he's gone but I'm glad that I came back because it meant being with you." 

"Me too."

"So if that is settled, come lay down and tell me how awful supper was." Rieka instructed plopping down on the bed. He kicked off his shoes and lay beside her. 

"Well for starters we waited an hour for him, thats a lie it was like half an hour but it felt like forever!"

Trouble // Loras Tyrell / Renly Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now