17. Man's World

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"Well, let him have it. The name suits our purposes far more than that useless pile of rubble. The Lord of Harrenhal will make a worthy suitor for the widow Arryn." Tywin demanded.

"For which I am extremely grateful to you, my lord.  Lady Arryn and I have known each other since we were children. She has always been positively predisposed toward me." Petyr agreed.

"A successful courtship would make Lord Baelish acting Lord of the Vale." Varys added.

"Titles do seem to breed titles." Petyr agreed fondly.

"You'll leave for the Eyrie as soon as possible and bring Lysa Arryn into the fold. Then the young wolf can add his own aunt to the list of people who have taken up arms against him." Tywin agreed.

" Far be it from me to hinder true love, but Lord Baelish's absence would present certain problems. The royal wedding may end up being the most expensive event in living memory. Summer has ended, hard days lie ahead. Not a good time to leave the crown's finances unattended." Tyrion countered.

"Fully agreed. Which is why I'm naming you new Master of Coin."

"I hear you are leaving us." Rieka remarked.

"And you will miss me dearly?" Petyr suggested.

"Not even a little." Rieka countered. "Do say hello to aunt lysa for me and if you see my mother and want to lie about arya being here, dont."

"I dont know what you-"

"Arya has been gone for moons before my fathers death. Sansa told me."

"Lady Ri-"

"You spin lies so prettily. Thats how you have survived this long. But im onto you." Rieka warned. "Have a safe trip, land on your nose perhaps."

Rieka scowled at loras.

"You said we were doing something fun." She bit back through a forced smile

"Spending time with my sister is fun-"

"Not the monster that makes lives miserable." She hissed.

"My sister is hardly a monster." Loras teased

" loras," she whined

"I love it when you moan my name."

"You have heard me moan, loras." Rieka corrected. "That was anything but." He smirked kissing her cheek.

"Rhaenyra Targaryen was murdered by her brother, or rather his dragon. It ate her while her son watched. What's left of her is buried in the crypts right down there."

" The ceremony is traditionally held in the main sanctum, which seats seven hundred comfortably." Cersei agreed.

"Because we know seven hundred people." Rieka agreed. Olenna grimmaced. "

" There appears to be a good deal of room elsewhere on the premises for everyone else." Olenne offered.

"There aren't more than seven hundred people of any importance." Cersei assured.

"Importance." Rieka agreed.

"Go away Rieka." Cersei begged. She framed her face with a hand under her chin.

"No, the rest are there to look adoringly upon the seven hundred to remind them how superior they must be to have the best seats." Olenna added.

" Over there in that urn, the ashes of Aerion Targaryen. Aerion Brightflame, they called him. He thought drinking wildfire would turn him into a dragon." Joffrey went on and Margaery laughed softly. " He was wrong. And, of course, there's the Mad King, killed by my uncle. Would you like to see where the last Targaryens are buried?"

"I want to be a dragon." Rieka mumbled.

Loras grabbed her hand spinning her around.

"We could dance like this at margaerys wedding." Loras remarked.

"Stop spinning me you are making me dizzy!" Rieka countered.

" Are you sure Lady Margaery doesn't find all this a bit macabre?" Cersei pondered waving a dismissive hand.

"Oh, no, it's quite all right, Your Grace. I'd love to see their tombs, really. It's like taking a walk through history." She assured.

"The tomb's just up here." Joffrey added.

"This is so exciting."

"You were married here, Your Grace?" Olenna questioned.

" Yes."

"Must seem like only yesterday." Olenna offered.

" Seems like a lifetime ago." Cersei countered.

"A lifetime you wish to forget?" Rieka pondered. Cersei shot her a glare

"You love to torment her." Loras whispered.

"I do. I really do it's fun... Hey my stomach hurt again think we can head back?" Rieka questioned.

"Stomach still bothering you?" Rieka nodded

"Comes and goes."

"Your husband, was he buried here as well?"

" No, he wanted his remains returned to Storm's End." Cersei corrected, she didn't want him here anymore either.

" Such a tragedy."

" A fairly predictable tragedy. Hunting and drinking don't mix." Cersei countered.

"I should say not. My son's a hunter. It helps him forget he's never been within a mile of a real battle." Olenna agreed.

"But your grandson is magnificent." Loras called back

"He really is." Rieka agreed

" I seem to recall he laid siege to Storm's End for the better part of a year." Cersei glanced back at them

"All he laid siege to was the banquet table in the command tent." olenna clarified. "I told him to stay out of Robert's Rebellion. He had no business fighting an actual warrior. We mothers do what we can to keep our sons from the grave. But they do seem to yearn for it. We shower them with good sense, and it slides right off like rain off a wing."

" And yet the world belongs to them."

"A ridiculous arrangement, to my mind." Olenna agreed.

"The gods have seen fit to make it so."

But rieka didn't want to live ina man's world.

"Rieka?" Loras questioned.

"Im fine just..."

Hell she was pregnant.

Trouble // Loras Tyrell / Renly Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now