16. Traitor

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"Make it tighter here."

" That's better. It makes you look very strong." Cersei agreed.

The tailor laid some sample fabric on Joffreys shoulder. Displeased, Joffrey snatched it away.

" No flowers. I said no flowers. All these are wrong. Bring others." Joffrey instructed.

" Yes, Your Grace."

" Bloody flowers. On the king." Joffrey scoffed as the tailor left.

" Looks like a Tyrell rose." Rieka countered as she approached

"Give it to Margaery for her wedding gown. Should be more than enough fabric." Cersei murmured. "What are you doing here Rieka?"

"The cun- king requested me." Rieka answered. "So like a good little prisoner i came."

"We havent gotten to speak... after your betrayal."

"You want my head on a spike?" Rieka sassed

"I do."

"Then i have one request." Rieka added stepping closer. Joffrey stood puffing his chest. "You be man enough to wing the sword yourself."

"Im the king-"

"Shouting it doesnt make you less of a douc-"
"Okay!" Cersei demanded.

"Renly wanted to take down stannis. He didnt care about you. He wanted to defeat his brother. If anything you should be thanking him that he had stannis focused on storms end instead of the capital." Rieka spat. Joffrey debated that.

"Before he was murdered by a woman."

"We are dangerous beings." Rieka agreed.

"Doubtful," joffrey countered. Rieka chuckled taking a step closer.

"Shall i try and kill you?" Rieka pondered. "Your grace... if women are as weak and febble as you claim then you have nothing to worry about." Joffrey chuckled nervously before taking a step back.

"Thats all Stark. Leave me." Joffrey commanded. Rieka did a curtsy so low and precise that it even impressed cersei before she headed out.

"Tell me what you think of her." cersei requested.

" Who? Rieka? Shes a stubborn little shit. Goad that union ended." Joffrey huffed.

"She certainly has fire but i meant Margaery."

"She's an ideal match. With the Tyrells beside us, we'll crush the Northerners. Hang their lords, burn their strongholds, sow their fields with salt, and no one will think of rebelling for another century." Joffrey said strategically. "We should start by burning rieka. Send a message."

"you still have your head." Loras declared.

"I do. Thank you for noticing." Rieka topped jer head from side to side with a laugh.

" Margaery Tyrell dotes on filthy urchins for a reason. She dresses like a harlot for a reason." Cersei muttered.

"And rieka married a traitor and known degenerate like Renly Baratheon for a reason." Joffrey demanded. "Smart women do as they are told. Rieka did as she pleased. Margaery will do as shes told."

' I still don't believe it." Shae decided as she brushed out Sansa's hair.

"He didn't. He didn't want anything. He just takes an interest because he loved my mother." Sansa assured.

"Men only want one thing from a pretty girl."

"Were you looking for me or just a happy accident?" Rieka pondered.

"Happy accident." Loras answered. "My gran wants to speak to sansa."

"Sansa isnt going to like your gran. Shes too much like me. Blunt and loud." Rieka challenged.

" Littlefinger's not in love with me." Sansa corrected.

"Love is not the thing he wants." Shae countered, Sansa looked back at her disgusted at the thought.

" He's too old."

"They never see it that way. He didn't ask you to do something for him? Spy on someone or...?"

"No." Sansa answered.

"While the women chat you want to get a drink?"

"Yes." Rieka agreed. "Not too much to drink though. I dont need you carrying me back."

"Nonsense you will just stay in my chambers." Loras assured kissing her cheek.

" If he does ask you for anything or try anything or touch you, I want you to tell me."

" Why? What will you do?" Sansa countered.

" I will make him stop." Shae demanded as a knock sounded at the door.

"Ser Loras Tyrell and lady rieka stark, my lady."

" Send them in." Sansa agreed eagerly.

"Sister." Rieka answered.

" Lady Sansa."

" Ser Loras."

"Yeah im invisible next to this handsome man." Rieka agreed. "Im okay with it."

"Shut up rieka." Sansa demanded stepping closer to loras.

' My sister Margaery invites you to take the air with her and our grandmother, the Lady Olenna, in the gardens. May I escort you to them?" Loras requested, she nodded rushing to his side.  Rieka released loras arm moving to the other side of him.

"You probably don't remember the first time we met. At the Hand's tourney, you gave me your favor. A rose, a red rose." Sansa said she was right, he didn't remember, but he forced a smile as rieka elbowed him.

"Of course I did." He agreed.

"Of course he does!" Rieka added loudly. "Oh margaery!"

"You're such a dear." Margaery said as loras delivered Sansa.

"Spoke to your hubby," Rieka whispered "hes still awful. Imagine that." Margaery rolled her eyes.

"I dont care as long as im queen."

" I'll take my leave. Lady Sansa." Loras answered.

"Me as well. Bue Margie." Rieka purred.

"Thank you, Ser Loras." Sansa said watching him go.

"All right. What is this problem?" Tyrion pondered.

"I'm worried about Sansa. When she spoke with Lord Baelish, his friend warned me about him." Shae admitted.

"Baelish doesn't have friends."

"I don't know her name." Shae murmured.

"Oh, Ros? The redhead?" Tyrion recalled.

"How do you know her?" She sassed.

"I try to know as many people as I can. You never know which one you'll need." Tyrion offered.

"She's a whore."

"Yes, well, we shouldn't be judgmental about these things." Tyrion agreed with a cheeky grin.

"You fucked her." Shae hissed

" Oh, please. All right, yes, I fucked her once. Twice." Tyrion admitted Shae slapped him. "But since I met you, my lady, I've been with no one else." he assured. "Shae, you need not worry about sansa as much. With Rieka back I'm sure she is taking her sister under her wing once more-"

"They dont like each other." Shae corrected.

"Well sansa seems difficult." Tyrion admitted softly.

"Its rieka that is difficult."

"Sansa calls me the imp. Rieka calls me Tyrion. I beg to differ."

Trouble // Loras Tyrell / Renly Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now