|Chapter 6.2| Free The Harbinger

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The Celestial returned to the basin, settling into the shimmering liquid with leisurely grace. He flicked his hand in a casual manner, his voice cold and commanding. "Send me back."

The Great Kesmes, still reeling from the private exchange, nodded sharply and signalled to Neveah. She immediately resumed her position at the drum, her expression tense and focused.

Neveah began to beat the drum again, her rhythm precise and deliberate. The sound echoed through the square, each beat resonating with the collective anxiety of the tribe.

The Great Kesmes stepped forward, chanting in an ancient and arcane language, his voice rising and falling in a hypnotic cadence. The air around the basin shimmered, and the water began to glow once more with an ethereal light.

The Junior Kesmes joined in, their voices harmonising with the Great Kesmes, creating a hauntingly beautiful melody. The power of their combined voices seemed to vibrate through the very ground beneath them, the energy building and swirling around the Celestial in the basin.

The water in the basin began to bubble and churn, the light intensifying until it was almost blinding. The Celestial closed his eyes, his expression serene as he allowed the ritual to envelop him.

The Great Kesmes raised his arms, the final incantation leaving his lips in a powerful burst of sound. The water erupted into a column of light, lifting the Celestial from the basin. He hovered there for a moment, a figure of divine radiance, before the light began to fade, taking him with it.

As the last of the light disappeared, the water settled back into the basin, now calm and clear. The ritual was complete.

Neveah lowered her drumsticks, her face glistening with sweat from the exertion. The Great Kesmes's eyes were greatly displeased. The two juniors watched the Great Kesmes closely, knowing something was wrong but unable to ask him under the public eye. Once the ritual was over and they retreated to the life tree, instead of letting out his emotions, the Great Kesmes remained quiet and retreated to his room.

"Look what happened. I told you the Celestial would know about the human," Zarek said with a scoff. Neveah, whose arms were now tired, merely glanced at him before leaving. The situation was quite unique, but one thing was for sure: Hadassah could not come back here.


Hadassah's body collapsed in the Serenity pool floating lifelessly, her consciousness having slipped away. Her breath ceased as she began to sink beneath the surface, the cool water closing over her head. Rahn, who had been eating the remains of the bloodhounds, noticed the sudden change. His golden eyes widened in horror as he saw Hadassah's limp form slip deeper into the water. Panic surged through him, and he immediately dove into the pool without a second thought.

The Serenity Pool was a strange artefact used to help humans along with their cultivation. It was a special pool that would not allow you to drown as long as you were conscious. But now she was unconscious; the water, which had always felt shallow and safe, now seemed like an endless abyss. Rahn swam downward, the darkness closing in around him. He could see Hadassah's silhouette sinking further into the depths, and his heart pounded with urgency. The bottom of the pool was clouded by darkness, far deeper than she could have imagined.

Rahn's powerful tail propelled him swiftly through the water. He reached out and grasped Hadassah's arm, pulling her towards him. The weight of her unconscious body clinging to the already heavy staff and his weakened state made the task even more difficult, but he didn't hesitate. With a determined effort, he began to swim back to the surface, his muscles straining against the pressure of the water.

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