Glimmering Blue

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The chamber of Fripp was bathed in the soft glow of enchanted crystals, casting shifting shadows across the stone walls and wooden furniture. The air was thick with the scent of aged parchment and the faint hum of magical energy. 

Your new theory was shared as the Soul Riders and you discussed discoveries with the Druids.

"Are you suggesting a connection between those entities and the environmental decline?" Avalon's brows furrowed in thought, "And you believe they're Pandorian?"

Lisa leaned forward eagerly, her voice animated with conviction, "You've seen what's been happening, haven't you? It all adds up,"

Linda nodded in agreement, her fingers tracing the faded script of a book she had taken from Fort Maria.

"Yeah, the way it messes with shadows and drains light, and the fact that there are no records of it, never have been. It's completely unprecedented," Linda remarked with a nod, "Remember the Pandorian rifts in Silverglade Village? The whole balance of everything got thrown off. Shadow seekers came out of nowhere, causing total chaos. This feels like history repeating itself, but in a darker way,"

"Why is it always Silverglade Village?" You mumbled.

Alex shrugged her shoulders as a response.

Lisa sighed, her forehead furrowing as she considered the implications. 

"It's a lot to take in, but we believe we can get to the bottom of this,"

"This can be dangerous," Jade remarked cautiously, adjusting her glasses, "We've seen our fair share of anomalies, but if this is something entirely new..."

"That might not be the case," You countered, turning to face her with a thoughtful expression, "We believe it could be something familiar to us, just taking on a new form. It may look differently, but if its roots are truly in Pandoria, the needed approach shouldn't be,"

The Druids exchanged glances once more, their expressions shifting from skepticism to consideration.

"Pandoria has always been a realm of mystery and danger. If this new disturbance is linked to it, we must tread cautiously," Fripp spoke, "How is your wound, Y/N?"

You paused, considering the question, then lifted your shirt slightly to reveal the darkened wound. 

It pulsed faintly where the dark magic had seared your skin. It was slowly healing, but the faint remnants of its malevolent touch lingered.

Memories of Ydris flooded your thoughts. 

You couldn't help but recall the first time you met him, how he had gently tended to that very wound. His touch had been surprisingly gentle, his presence calming amidst the chaos of battle. 

You remembered the way he had looked at you with concern, his voice soothing. The thought of him brought a flutter of feelings.

You looked down at the wound, then back at Fripp. 

"It's healing," You replied, your voice calm but tinged with a hint of lingering discomfort, "The pain has lessened,"

"The wound looks like it was caused by the same kind of dark energy," Linda acknowledged, her voice tinged with concern as she observed the lingering mark on your skin, "Which brings us back to the fact that these entities and the affected plants are connected,"

"Can you really compare a flesh wound to a bunch of dying leaves-"  You began, but your words were abruptly cut off by the sudden entrance of a young druid. 

Breathless and clearly in a rush, she burst into the chamber, her urgency palpable.

"Someone has placed unstable Drakonium near the village!" She called out urgently, "People are at risk, and we need to act quickly!"

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