Rotting Veins

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As you and Ydris wandered through the quaint streets of Silverglade Village to pick up some goods, the air felt lighter, filled with the subtle aroma of baked pastries and fresh produce. 

The village was a charming blend of cobblestone paths and ivy-covered cottages, each house boasting small, flower-filled window boxes that added a splash of color to the rustic scenery. The marketplace was bustling with life, vendors calling out their wares as villagers meandered through the stalls. 

The two of you walked side by side, occasionally stopping to examine the handcrafted items on display or to sample the local delicacies. The marketplace, lined with stalls selling everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to intricately woven scarves and hand-crafted jewelry, was a lively and colorful spectacle.

As you walked, the two of you chatted about the day's errands. 

"We should grab some purple cloth," You suggested, eyeing a stall draped with vibrant textiles, "It would be perfect for adding a touch of color to the seats, something to make them more comfortable. Maybe something with a rich, deep hue?"

Ydris nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. He mused, glancing toward a bakery stand filled with an array of pastries.

"And perhaps a little something sweet as well. A treat for later?"

You laughed, enjoying the casual ease of the conversation, "I wouldn't say no to that. Might as well indulge a little,"

The sun cast a warm glow over the village, creating a serene atmosphere. You moved through the crowd with a relaxed pace, enjoying the pleasant buzz of the village around you.

"Do you think we should get some of those candles you use in the fortune-telling tent?" You asked, pointing to a stall, "It might be nice to have some in the wagon too, they smell wonderful,"

Ydris raised an eyebrow, feigning a look of mock offense, "It appears you find a problem with every facet of my humble abode,"

You couldn't help but giggle at his theatrical flair.

"Maybe I just have refined taste," You teased back, still chuckling.

Just then, the cheerful atmosphere of the village was abruptly shattered by the clattering of hooves.

A stallion, wild-eyed and clearly agitated, burst into the square, causing a stir among the villagers. The once calm marketplace was quickly thrown into chaos as the horse, with its mane flying and nostrils flaring, charged through the stalls.

You instinctively grabbed Ydris's arm as the commotion unfolded, your heart racing. 

Villagers hurriedly moved out of the way, some calling out in alarm. The scene transformed rapidly from peaceful to chaotic, the air filled with shouts and the frantic whinnies of the distressed animal.

You and Ydris glanced at each other for a brief moment before quickly moving to follow the stallion, weaving through the panicked crowd and dodging overturned crates. 

The creature's powerful legs carried it through the village with alarming speed, its mane flying like a banner behind it. People shouted and scrambled out of the way as the stallion's panic spread through the market like wildfire.

Ydris stayed close by your side, his eyes sharp and focused.

The stallion eventually came to a halt near the end of the village, its chest heaving with exertion. It stood still for a moment, as if confused. 

You seized the opportunity and approached the animal cautiously.

With each step, you spoke softly, trying to convey calmness and reassurance. 

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