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Stuck. That's what I am right now.


Stuck standing by my cheering squad friends beside my locker, staring at this girl down the hallway talking to her own set of friends, but with a dull look in her eyes.

Being able to be with her makes me see things more clearly now—and it's not just because I like her or anything.

God, it's so irritating to have that feeling of guilt and depression.

I've worked myself for years since I was left behind by my parents to get past that, to control those feelings so that they wouldn't affect me in the big world, but I guess there are other things even I can't control.

Exhibit A, Huh Yunjin. The hot nerd of this school and the girl that's been playing games inside my head since I've been hyperventilating and crying my heart out in Rei's room after that fateful Saturday evening. I wanted to text her—call her, maybe, and even freaking visit her, but it's not easy anymore, not since bitch-face Ahyeon came into the picture and opened her mouth, like—couldn't she wait until after I told Yunjin? Which, fine, I wasn't planning to tell her until things got too heavy between the both of us, but now I don't have a chance, and it's unfair.

Exhibit B, Jung the bitch-face Ahyeon. Somebody better put a leash on my neck because I'm about to knuckle-crunch this bitch's face all the way to Antarctica where she can freeze to death and stay frozen forever. That's what she deserves.

Sighing, I roll my eyes at my fellow cheerleaders for talking—more like gossiping about the 'latest' new hookups in the team which is honestly starting to get frustrating with hearing the same names over and over again like—we don't already know they've been humping in the back seat.

"How about you, Captain?"

I snap my eyes to Wonyoung who's watching me intently, making the others look at me as well, and I nearly cringe at how disgusting I feel under their piercing, judgmental gazes.

Shrugging my shoulders, I tilt my head back.

"I just broke up with Yunjin probably a few weeks ago, give me some time to myself, Wonyoung." I hiss, ignoring how Ahyeon narrows her eyes at me like she's trying to solve a puzzle—which I totally am, the only difference is? I can never be solved.

Wonyoung huffs and crosses her arms together.

"You've been bitchier than usual—and that's saying something." She growls, earning a few hesitant nods from the other girls who whimper around us like goddesses.

And really, I'm not surprised she'd talk to me this way—rumor has it she's the next head cheerleader when I leave this awful, forsaken school.

And I guess you could say Wonyoung and I talk as if we're each other's copies.

"I got my period, go sue me." I taunt back, gritting my teeth together as I side-eye Yunjin down the hall again, but this time she's zipping her bag closed and walking in our direction, with downcast eyes.

I know her next class—it's two doors down from where we're standing and I feel all the breath being sucked out of my lungs when she passes by us with Hyunseo on her left and I smell her vanilla waft perfume.

She's so intoxicating and it's annoying.

Pushing myself off the wall, I ignore the cheerleaders' suspicious looks and walk fast—grabbing Yunjin's arm and bringing her to a corner where it's kind of secluded.

I place her by the lockers and peek around to see if anyone would be following us, keeping a secured hold of her arm as I feel her—not squirming against my touch which was weird because I'd think she'd slap me by now.

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