Episode 3. The hart of the feost demon domain.

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Kakarot's point of view

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Kakarot's point of view.

The next morning we all woke up and we started to for the elite's to show up. They finally got in to our battle pod's. And we took off. We was head we took off we was heading deeper into the Frost demon's space. We didn't sleep going through that part of space. We came to a planet like planet earth and Vegeta combined. It's was huge we landed on it after we landed on it. We all got out of our battle pod's. After we got out of our battle pod's. We walked around and then we found a castle. We all fought our way in and through it. After we got to the thrown room. I walked up to the guy on the thrown. And then I started talking to him.

Kakrot. Hello your kingship I am Kakarot a female saiyan warrior of the Saiyan race.

The king. What do you want?

Kakrot. I want you to die.

Then me and my big brother and son started fighting every one. We killed everyone. I then made the report the king told me that he was sending he's son and Napa to take the planet under our control. I said OK then I ended the report. I told my big brother and son what king Vegeta said. Then we waited for Napa and prince Vegeta to show up.

- the next morning. -

Kakarot's point of view.

Napa and prince Vegeta showed up and took the planet. Me and my big brother and son left the planet. And went back to planet Vegeta. It took us a while for us to get home. After we got back to planet Vegeta. We all went to my dad and mom's home. After we got there I cooked for everyone. I told my dad everything that happened. Then we all went to bed and went to sleep.


Kakrot. So I and my big brother and son. Went on two missions and we kicked ass's. Then we got done with our first two missions. We got back to planet Vegeta. And I decided to cook. I will see you in the next episode. This episode's word count is 370.

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