Episode 12. The super natural problem.

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Dacated to James0472002.

Limon's P.O.V

It's been sometime since my mom and big brother and me to
ok over planet earth and I have made a order to planet Vegeta. For some special armor and wappion's they was to arrive to today. But they didn't show up so I contacted planet Vegeta and asked about it. And they told me that they sent them and I told them I didn't get it. I ended the contact. And I told my mom about it and then she went to invastagate invastagate  she found out that a super natural group stole them. And we went looking for someone to help us. And one name kept poping poping up and it was Clawus Clawus Michelson Michelson. So we found out Where he lived and we went to The place I landed in front yeard and walked up on The porch. He was setting drinking a beer and he looked at me and he asked me. Why was there and I told him that I was looking for a man. And he said that I came to The right place. Then my daddy landed behind me then told him Why we was looking for him. And he kept on looking at me. When he gave us he's price. My dad chaught it to. Then he's dad came outside and put in he's word and then we all left Clawus's home. He tracked down the group. And got all of our stuff back. Then I took back to he's house. After we got back there. Clawus seen he's cousin. And they started fighting. They fought until they jroped I walked up to Clawus and asked him. He's place or mine and he chose he's place. And so I took him to he's bed room. And I mated with him he heald so quickly. I was baffled but that wasn't all of it. He also got a power boost like us Saiyans called it a zinki boost. My dad and grandpa wanted to know just how strong they could get. So they asked the two to go with them. They left and I wanted to be with Clawus. So went with them. After we got to training time chamber. My dad and grandpa set it up. But they massed up when putting in the numbers. And it set 5 year's in two days. As I waited with my mom and grandma. The two days came and went. And they came out of the training time chamber. They looked the same but there power level wasn't. Exspanclely when they morged into one. We took them to there people and Clawus's grandpa had to look it up. But he found it and told us about it then wen they defused. I rain up to Clawus and hugged him. Then I had to tale him something. He looked at me and asked me.

Clawus. What is it?

Limon. Clawus micalson: I am prangnute with your child.

My dad and grandpa and mom and big brother. Was all shocked by my out burst. Clawus looked at me then he hit the floor flat on he's back. He's dad started laughing. I had to ask him one thing.

Limon. What's so funny sir?

Clawus's dad. Young lady a lot of vampires and witches and demons. Have tried to put my son on he's back and you have done the impassable. You put him on he's back.

Then Clawus woke up and looked at me if he heard me right. And I told him that he did. Then he took me into he's room. Then he sat me down on he's bed. Then he asked me how it happened. I told him we made love and I am with child. He then started to make rules. And I told him that I still had to train. And to relax that no other man could have me. He clamed down then I told him that I was hungry. He took me to get me something to eat. Then I went train with my dad and grandpa. We used the time chamber training room. We went for 6 year's in three days.


Kakarot. So my daughter has found her mate. And they are going to be parents. I can't wait to see my helf werewolve and helf Saiyan grandchild. See you all in the next episode. This episodes word count is 741.

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