Episode 8. The fight with spider man.

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Kakarot's point of view.

It's been sometime since me and my family moved in with my earth dad Bruce Wayne. I have been training my daughter Limon. She got super saiyan and as we was finishing up. My computer went off. And I told her to go to her daddy and big brother. She did as I told her. Then I went and got changed into some saiyan female armor. Then I went into the city. After I got there I seen a boy dressed as spider. I landed in front of him. Then I asked him.

Kakarot. Who are you? And why are you in my city?

Spider-Man. I am Spider-Man and one of my bad guy's came to your city. Can you help me?

Kakarot. I guess I could help you.

After that I got started helping him find he's bad guy. As we was looking for the villen. Then he became annoying and I asked him to stop with the questions. But he wouldn't so I decided to fight him just to shut him the fuck up. I transformed into super saiyan. And I started kicking he's ass. I won the fight and we found he's bad guy. I took the guy down. Then I gave him to spider man then I left. And went back to my home with my family. I feed them then I got my kids ready for bed. Then I put them to bed. Then I went and got ready for bed myself. Then I went to bed with my husband and fall asleep in he's arms.


Kakarot. So I fought Spider-Man and one of he's bad guy's. I will see you in the next episode. This episode's word count is 295.

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