Chapter 10-Wedding

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"Oh my gosh, you look so beautiful." Mom said as she walked into the room. She gestured to my short white dress with glossy white heals. Naomi and I had decided to both wear short and simple dresses. Mine was white lace with white cloth under it. The lace covered my arms with long sleeve, but the sleeves and the part of my chest if covered didn't have the cloth. "Have you seen Naomi's dress?"
"Thankyou." I replied. "And no, we decided to surprise each other with our dresses. Keep it secret."
"Oh wait. She's really pretty." She said. "But you are beautiful."
"Mom can you do me a favor." I asked.
"Don't drink. You've already made your wedding quite the memory, please... not mine." I continued, and she sighed.
"Ok." She said and hugged me again. "You ready? Because I am."
"I know you are." I turned and looked in the mirror.
"Oh no you're missing something." She walked over to the vanity set and grabbed my veil. She put it right above my braided bun. Then took a step back. "Wow. I can't believe my baby girl is actually getting married."
"Mom don't." I tried to stop her because she was tearing up. "Please. Are you ready to go?"
"Uh huh." She sniffled and she left the room to sit down. I walked behind her, but stopped at the door. I was excited and nervous. The little strands of hair hanging by my face were blowing in the draft of the air conditioner. There was a line of three bridesmaids and Madeline, my maid of honor. She was wearing a short pink dress that flowed and pink glossy shoes. Then the other bridesmaids were wearing red dresses of the same style and glossy red shoes. All of their hair were the same style. Which was down and straightened with a headband to match the dresses. The groom's men and best men were just wearing tuxedos. The Best man was wearing a pink tie, and the groom's men were wearing red ties. She handed my bouquet to me. It was large and had red roses mixed with pink ones.
"I can't believe it." She said. "My favorite cousin is getting married... To another woman."
"Thankyou." I said laughing at her ignorance of the lesbians. "Madeline... you look beautiful, and thank you for being here."
"No problem." She said. Then the music played and the doors opened. I waited for the bridesmaids and Madeline to walk out of the hallway. They were so slow for my excitement, but I kept my pace behind them. The wedding planner told me to wait until all the bridesmaids and groomsmen were still. Then the music changed, and he told me that I could go. He reminded me to make slow and easy steps. I turned the corner and began my walk down the aisle. My shoes were quiet on the red carpet lining the aisle. Though everyone's eyes were on me, my eyes were on her. Her beautiful white dress that stopped at her knees. It was a plain white dress with a laced sweater. She had on shoes that matched. Matted white with Lace coating. She wasn't wearing a veil, and her hair was curled into ringlets. She was beautiful and Angelic. Like I had died, and she was standing at the gates of heaven. As I got closer to her she held out her hand for me to take, and her smile got bigger. I took her hand and she helped me up the steps at the end of the aisle. I handed the bouquet back to Madeline, and turned back around and took both of my bride's hands.
"We are gathered here today for the joining of Miss Lydia Hamilton and Naomi Reynolds." The pastor began. Naomi and I stared into each other's eyes, and it was as though time flew by. Before we knew it, Naomi was asked to present her vow. "Do you have anything to say Naomi?"
"Lydia, when I first met you in the dressing room of that department store waiting on your mother, I knew that one day we'd be friends. I was so happy when we became more than that. You taught me many things. Including that they only person who should ever care about us... is us. You forgave my actions which were out of fear, and you still loved me after the long time we were apart. You waited a very long time for me, and that, to me, is true love. I love you Lydia. I always have... and I always will." She was fighting back tears... we both were. "You are my one and only, my best friend, and I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have someone like you in my arms."
"Lydia?" The pastor turned to me.
"Wow. I don't think I could top that one, but I'll try... Naomi when I first met you, I'll admit, I was still getting over my last. You helped me get through those stages of guilt, because you told me I shouldn't be guilty about it. You taught me many things as well. One in which, that I could truly be loved without lies and cheating. You taught me that there was love still left in this world for me, and you showed me it. You loved me when I didn't even love myself, and I love you so much for that. You are my everything." I said as a tear fell down her cheek. I reached over and gently wiped it away. "I love you, and there's nothing or no one in this ginormous world that could ever change that. No one can ever keep us apart no matter how hard they try. I love you Naomi."
"With that... I have nothing else to say, but I now pronounce you wife and wife." He clapped his hands together. "You may now kiss your bride."
In that Naomi and I leaned in and kissed each other passionately. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and she wrapped hers around my waist. Everyone clapped and cheered.

The party was held at Connor's house, which mom had moved in with him and gave us hers. It was beautiful. I was shocked to see that despite their previous actions, Naomi's parents had finally sucked it up and came. They actually confronted me just before the father daughter dance number.
"Lydia." A woman tapped on my shoulder to get my attention. I turned to see who it was, and saw Naomi's mother, Violet, and my eyes went wide.
"I didn't think you'd come." I said.
"We thought we'd be nice." Her father, Hudson, said. "You sent the invitation. Even after what we've done."
"Yeah, but I invited you to the actual reception as well." I added. They looked upset. "Well anyway. I understand... some people wouldn't've even tried."
"Well we decided that you were right in your note." Violet said. "We can't change who she's in love with, and we can't stop her."
"But..." I tried to get her to finish.
"We can support her." Hudson finished handing me a gift bag.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Her things. The pictures, her phone, tokens of your relationship." Violet answered. "Think of it as our wedding gift to you two."
"Thankyou." I said taking the bag, and I looked at Hudson. "Can you do me a huge favor?"
"What's that?" He cleared his throat.
"Dance with your daughter." I answered mocking him. Then the wedding planner voice flew loud out of the speaker.
"I know that you love her, and that's what the dance is going to show to her." I turned my attention back to Hudson. "She needs to know that. She needs to know that you can get past who she is and love her for it. She's an amazing person, and being gay shouldn't cloud your mind of that. It should make you love her more."
"I'm sorry Lydia." He apologized tearing up.
"You should be apologizing to her... not me." I said pushing him in her direction. I watched as he walked towards her. She looked at him shocked. Then he said something and held out his hand, and she took it. That made me smile. I walked over to where Connor and mom were. "Connor, I believe that it's the father daughter dance."
"I didn't think..."
"You're my step-father." I said.
"Yeah step-father."
"Is father on the end of it?"
"Ok." He smiled and mom giggled. He walked around to me and held out his hand. I took it and he led me to the dance floor where we danced. Then the song changed, and it was mine and Naomi's song. We walked to each other and danced.
"I can't believe you got them to come." She said as we danced.
"Looks like I made a pretty good point that got into their head." I said. "Plus, it took nearly loosing you forever to realize the way they were living."
"Thank you."
"No problem." I laid my head on her shoulder as we danced. This was the best day of my life, and I couldn't have imagined it going any better. When the dance was over we walked over to the table were mom and Connor were sitting and sat with them.
"So you two. Which last name did you go with on the certificate?" Mom asked looking to us for an answer.
"Oh um-" Naomi began, but I stopped her.
"Mom did you bet on it?" I asked smiling. She looked to Connor and looked back then they both replied in unison. "No."
"Do you really want to know?" I asked. Naomi laid her hand on my thigh under the table. It sent electric shivers up my spine, and made me sit up straight. Mom and Connor nodded to the question and smiled to my sudden movements. I had to answer so we could run off. "Hamilton."
"Well that's great." Mom said. "Mrs. and Mrs. Hamilton. That's works."
"Naomi and I agreed that for my father's sake. Hamilton should continue in this family." I informed then looked at Naomi smiling.
"Plus she's older." She joked. Then we both stood up and walked towards the dock, and sat on the bench. We leaned into each other and watched the sun set.
"Wow. I never knew that this gazebo would be the end of one relationship and the beginning of a whole new and better one." I said in awe holding her hand in between us. Then I looked at her. "Naomi?"
"Yeah?" She looked back at me, but I didn't say anything. She felt she had to, and with a smile she said, "I think it's your dad looking after you."
"You really think that?" I asked.
"Yeah. Making up for when he couldn't before." She continued. "Making sure you have someone who will take care of you now that he can't."
"Thank you for that." I kissed her, and we continued watching the sunset. When the sun went down, Connor decided to pop fireworks that he'd bought this morning. Being that it was so close to July Fourth, people were selling them. They were many different colors, but our favorite was the one that popped taking up most of the sky... it was rainbow. I sighed at how beautiful they were.
That night, Naomi and I drove home. Mom had wrote all over the windows except the windshield. So when we got out of the car, we were laughing at the pictures and how terrible she was at drawing. We walked upstairs to our room, which was now the master bedroom. Cleaned up and moved around to look completely different. We laid down in the bed, and relaxed and talked for what seemed like hours. Then we kissed and kissed. I made my way on top of her and pulled off her dress, and she was so beautiful. Now she was mine, and I was hers.

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