Chapter 12-Baby

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It was a week before she was finally able to leave the hospital, and she still was a little shaken up by the events. I was doing my best to help her. I even snuck home one night while she slept to clean up the place. She walked in, and saw a spotless home. Things were going well, and she was getting better. It wasn't over yet. Even though Nora was in prison and Kyle was dead, they've still managed to fuck with her. It was a month after her release from the hospital. She was always fine, but then she had to throw up. I knew what was up, and I was waiting for her to tell me.
We were sitting on the couch watching TV, holding hands, you know. Laughing along with the funny shit. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and everything was great. She was fine one second, and the next she jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I figured she just had to go, so I waited. She was in there a while, and that's when I started to worry. I knew now was the time to confront her, so I got up and walked over to the bathroom door and opened it. She was leaning over the toilet vomiting. I kneeled down next to her and held her hair back.
"When were you going to tell me?" I asked when she lifted her head back up. I was trying to keep my voice as sincerely as possible, so I didn't get her emotional and shut down.
"I didn't want it to be true." She answered. "I missed my period, and decided that that was the option. And when I tested the fucking test came up positive."
"Naomi." I rubbed her back as she cried. She sat back from the toilet and leaned against the bathtub.
"Why is this happening to me?"
"I'm sorry. Don't forget this is my fault too. Blame me."
"I don't want to blame you." She cried, and I sat next to her. She laid her head on me, and I wrapped my arm back around her.
"What do you want to do?" I asked. "I'll support whatever decision."
"I'm not going to kill it." She said angrily.
"I didn't mean that, Naomi. I wouldn't let you do that. You could get hurt that way too." I said looking at her shocked. "I meant... you can put it up for adoption or you can keep it. Whatever decision you want. I'm here for you."
"I don't know." She answered. "I know that whatever choice I make now could change later."
"Ok. Ok." I said, kissing the top of her head. "You've got a while to decide."
"I can't punish it for the father."
"No. Naomi just know that, no matter how much you hate the father... you'll have to love it."
"I know."
"It did nothing wrong. It's innocent."
"I know."
"Then look at it on the bright side..."
"You're pregnant." I smiled and looked at her. "We're going to be parents."

"Mom?" I asked on the phone with her, smiling. "How do you tell someone's mother their pregnant? I mean she's lesbian."
"WHAT YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" Her voice screeched into the phone. "Lydia May Hamilton, how the hell did you get yourself pregnant? What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Mom. I'm almost twenty-four." I had her on speaker phone, and Naomi was trying so hard to stay quiet. She couldn't and mom heard her.
"Why is Naomi laughing?"
"Because I'm not pregnant. She is." I answered.
"Oh, Naomi's pregnant." She repeated.
"And I don't know how to tell her parents that the whole issue a month ago got her pregnant." I continued.
"Hello Mrs. Richardson." Naomi said.
"Hello Naomi. You're family call me 'mom' or 'Madeline'." Mom said. "And Lydia they should be understanding. Plus they can't be too mad... Naomi's married."
"Very funny." Naomi laughed.
"Plus... Lydia weren't you talking to me about wanting a kid in your lives?" She asked, and Naomi looked at me with a 'seriously' face.
"Yeah, but she'd already told me she was pregnant." I answered. "I figured that you'd already realized it."
"I thought it was just a talk."
"Ok mom gotta go." I said hanging up.
"Wow." She said. "Real nice."
"She wasn't too much help."
"She's also not a pregnant lesbian." I said. "Look we're going to your parent's house, and we're going to tell them."
"You sure we can't just tell them on the phone like we did your mom." She begged. "She took it well."
"Naomi. My mom also took me being lesbian well."
"Good point. I'll go upstairs and get dressed." She sighed, getting up. "Don't look at my ass while I'm walking."
I watched her walk over to the stairs. She kept looking back at me smiling. Then she stopped, turned around, and gave me a glare.
"You were totally checking me out." She laughed.
"No I wasn't. I was looking at your...Hair." I lied.
"No you weren't."
"Naomi you're my wife. If I wanna look at your ass... I will, and there's nothing you can do about it." I looked at her proudly.
"Oh really?" She said.
"Turn around." I demanded.
"No." She put her hands on her hips.
"Well then I'm gonna have to make you." I got up and chased her up the stairs. She shut the door and was laying on the bed, when I was finally able to get it open. I carefully pounced on top of her and kissed her softly with little laughs. "You're pretty fast for a pregnant woman."
"I was excited." She explained in between kisses. "I haven't seen you like this in a while, and I've been waiting."
"I didn't think you'd be ready, and now we probably can't do anything to you. I'm ready though."
"I'm sure it will be fine, baby." She kissed me again, and wrapped her arms around my neck to hold me on top of her. Her soft and sweet lips pressed against mine. Then I couldn't help myself. I started to pull off her pajama pants, and she moved her hands to push mine to go faster. Then she unbuttoned my jeans, and I leaned over her and held myself up so she could slide them off. I slid my fingers up her thigh, and she closed her eyes. Then her facial expression changed. She was scared, and I stopped. She started freaking out, and I tried to calm her down. I took her face in my hands.
"Baby... baby?" I said. Then she started fighting me off of her. There was nothing I could do, but let it pass. She never got off the bed, so I just sat on the floor at the end of the bed and waited. I wrapped my arms around my knees and sighed. Still had no pants on. Her arms flailed on the bed as though she were still trying to fight someone off of her. I wasn't able to stop her when she was acting like this from nightmares. Her doctor said that it was PTSD, and it wasn't severe. He also said it would pass, and it's been a month. Then she started to scream and scream.
"No. no. NO. NO! NO!" She yelled tossing and turning on the bed. I jumped up and tried to pin her down. Tears ran down both our cheeks.
"NAOMI!" I yelled as I tried to grab her wrists. I sat on her thighs so that I didn't hurt the baby, and so when I finally had her pinned... I was barely half a foot from her face. "WAKE UP!"
"HELP!" She yelled. "LYDIA! HELP!"
"I'm right here. It's ok." I said more calm. Then her eyes shot open, and she was gasping for air. I leaned back up and let go of her wrists. I moved off of her, but stayed close. I put my hands on her arms, and she jumped and looked at me frightened. "It's ok. It's just me."
"Lydia, I'm so sorry." She apologized crying.
"Shhh it's ok." I assured, and I held her face in my chest with my arms around her in a hug. I rocked back and forth. "It's ok."
"I don't know what it was... I closed my eyes, and he was there." She cried. "I'm so sorry."
"It's ok." I said brushing her hair with my hand. "Shhh."
"I'm so sorry." She repeated.
"Can you do me a favor?" I asked, and she looked at me.
"No." She said.
"Naomi. You need help." I said sternly. "Please do this."
"No, Lydia. The last thing I need is a therapist picking at my brain." She argued.
"Would you do it for me?"
"I wouldn't do it for a Scooby Snack." She replied.
"Some point this will be too much for you." I said. "It would help you to get some help."
"I don't need it."
"Yes you do." I argued. "Look, Naomi... The stress from this could kill the baby, and you don't want it to die. Do you?"
"How do you know?"
"I watched a lot of TV while you were in California." I answered. "Plus your doctor told me when we got your second month sonogram."
"Oh." She thought about it for a moment, then sighed. "Fine."
"Ok." She answered. "I'll go."
"Good... Now what time is it?"
"Because I'll I'd have to tell her is that you agreed and she can get your appointment set up." I got out of bed.
"Wait." She grabbed my arm. I turned to look at her. "Could you sit with me for a little bit first?"
"Yeah. Of course." I sat back next to her, and held her in my arms. I rocked her back and forth and back and forth, and I brushed her hair back.

The next day, she sat in the driver seat twiddling her thumbs. I could tell she was nervous, but she had to do this. I knew she didn't want to, but she needs this. I reached over and grabbed her hand, and she just kept looking down.
"Hey?" I said, and she looked at me. "It's going to be ok. You need this, and you have to do this."
"I know, but it's not the most comfortable thing in the world for me." She replied. "I don't feel comfortable telling someone what happened in there."
"I know. When I talked to her, I told her you'd be a little uncomfortable. She said that it was common, and not everyone can just start out with it. You just need to take your time." I assured, I glanced over to her and back on the road. "This isn't like normal medicine, Naomi. You're not going to be better in one day."
"I understand that, but..." She trailed off.
"I shouldn't have been you." I said not finishing her sentence. I glanced to her again and back on the road. "It should've been me, and I'm sorry that it was you."
"Don't say that." She said.
"I'm the one who had to fuck with Nora." I said. "I provoked her."
"But that shouldn't have been a reason for to do this to anyone." She said as I drove into the parking lot. I parked the car close to the doors, and we got out. We walked hand and hand into the building. I walked over to the receptionist.
"Hello." She greeted.
"Hi, I'm Lydia Hamilton. I talked to Dr. Grace about my wife Naomi." I greeted, and she started typing.
"Yes. She's the ten thirty." She said and pointed down the hallway to my right. "Fourth door on your right."
"Thank you." I said, and Naomi and I walked to the room. When we walked in, the room had a peaceful scent and look to it. I just felt at ease, and I could tell she was too.
"Naomi and Lydia Hamilton." Dr. Grace greeted. Her hair was long and dark brown, and her eyes were brown and had a very kind and sweet stare. She walked over and shook both of our hands. "Are you ready, Naomi?"
"Yes." Naomi whispered with a sigh.
"Baby, it's going to be ok." I said hugging her. "I'm gonna be right outside."
"Ok." She nodded, and I gave her a kiss and walked out. I sat in the waiting room and well... waited.
"Can I get you anything Mrs. Hamilton?" The receptionist asked.
"No thank you." I answered with a pleasant smile. "It shouldn't be long, right?"
"Of course not." She said. She typed again then stopped and looked back at me. "Is it hard for you?"
"What?" I asked.
"Being so open about your sexuality."
"No." I laughed. "Not when I have the most beautiful woman lying next to me. Well she's always beautiful to me."
"I see."
"Why do you ask?"
"Well... My girlfriend wants to be open, but I don't think that it's that easy." She answered. "You can't just be open about it right?"
"You can. Miss... shouldn't matter what other people think. What should matter is the love between the two of you. Life will be hard, and people will be assholes. When it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is if she's there with you... and you aren't going through it alone."
"That's really nice." She said. "Your wife's very lucky to have you."
"No." I replied, and she looked at me confused. "I'm very lucky to have her."
"Awe. Now that's love." She smiled and started typing again. It wasn't too long before Naomi came down the hallway. She seemed different. She walked down with a small smile.
"Hey." She greeted me, as I stood up.
"Hey." I hugged her. "You ready?"
"Yeah." She answered, and we walked out.
"You seem happier."
"It was over." She answered. "Dr. Grace said that it was very common for something like this to happen, and that you did the right thing on making me come."
"I told you so." Then I looked at her with a playful smile. "You didn't cheat did you?"
"No." She laughed, knowing that I was messing. "She's got a family, and she isn't gay."
"Good." I said getting in the car. "I'm not losing you to that woman."
"She also suggested that I keep a journal. Whatever that's about?"
"Naomi." I sighed. "The journal is to help you vent. Balled up emotions. Helps you release them."
"Oh." She got into the car.
"Now... Do you want to get some ice-cream?"
"YES!" Her eyes got wide, and she got really excited.

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