Chapter 9-Marry Me?

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The next couple of days went by well. Naomi gave me her new number, uncontrolled by her parents, so that we could call each other. She'd yet to tell me where she was staying. I was sitting on the roof waiting for her to show up in the drive way. We were going to the mall to spend some time together. It wasn't long before her red Kia pulled into the driveway. I hopped up and ran back in and downstairs. When I made it to the front yard she was already out of the car and walking up to the front door. I stopped running and walked over to her. She was wearing a light red dress with red flats, and she'd pulled her hair up in a messy bun.
When I made it to her, she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back.
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love." She said kissing me again.
"Happy Valentine's Day to you too." I returned.
"Are you ready to go?" She asked then she stepped back and looked at me for a second. She stared my faded pink dress and golden sandals. "You're wearing a dress."
"So." I shrugged my shoulders.
"It's the first time I've seen you in one." She smiled taking my hand as we walked to her car. "It's a whole new look for you."
"Then now is better than never." I smiled as we approached her car. I realized that I had almost told her my secret, and I had planned to over dinner.
"Well you said, 'now is better than never'." She repeated.
"Yeah. To wear a dress along with my beautiful girlfriend." I lied to keep the secret a secret.
"I'll figure it out eventually." She said opening the car door for me. I sat down, and she closed it. Then she walked around and sat down in the driver seat.
"It's a sort of surprise." I said trying to keep as much of it a surprise as I could.
"Well then I can't wait for you to tell me."

"Seriously, he wouldn't leave me alone! Even when I told him I was lesbian! He told me that he could 'turn me straight'. Like bitch please, even if I was straight I wouldn't want your ugly ass," Naomi was telling me as we left the food court. She was explaining how she had been flirted with by this one guy on the plane from California. I was laughing so hard I wasn't paying attention. I ran into someone coming out of Hot Topic.
"Oops! I'm sor- Nora?" I said surprised to see my ex-girlfriend.
"Lydia?" she said surprised.
"Oh, so this is the red headed bitch that wouldn't ever leave you alone." Naomi said with a smirk, looking her up and down. "Hardly a loss in my book... Hmm... Nothing to be sulking over for a week."
"Hello, who are you?" A man asked, walking up behind Nora and putting his arm around her waist. I smirked and Naomi gasped. Then she let out a single laugh. This was totally unoriginal for Nora. So I smiled knowing I was going to fuck with him. "It's good to see you again, Naomi... Not really"
"I'm her ex-girlfriend, and you are?" I answered ignoring his address to Naomi, and his eyes blinked wider. He looked as though I had slapped him in the face.
"Nora isn't gay, I'm her boyfriend." he said and I laughed.
"I'm guessing she didn't tell you that I've had my tongue down her throat and my fingers in places they really shouldn't have been?" I asked and he blinked again, and he now looked like an owl. He slowly removed his arm from around her waist and looked down at her.
"...No." He said slowly and I smirked. I took Naomi's hand in my own and nodded.
"Yep, we dated for a while, guess she left that small tidbit out. We all know she loves boobs and vaginas... not dicks." I said and Nora flushed. I looked over to her. "What made you go for this bad apple?"
"You little bitch, and you wonder why I kept fooling around behind your back." she hissed and I shrugged.
"I couldn't care less as to why you did that. Obviously you love pussy so much you just couldn't settle for one. Don't know why you settled for a dick though. That there is news to me." I said and Naomi chuckled. Nora moved forward and shoved me. I barely moved a half a step back before shoving her back. She stumbled back several feet before falling hard into the fountain on her flat ass.
"Think before you start something you know you can't finish, bitch. I learned that lesson after dating you." I said as Nora spluttered in the water.
"You little bitch! Wait till I get out of here, you better watch your back." she yelled as she stood back up. She was drenched head to toe, and her little boyfriend was trying to help her out of the water.
"Try it, you know where to find me." I said, walking away with Naomi.
"That was the best thing I've ever seen you do, my love." Naomi said and I stopped and kissed her tenderly. I was lucky to have a girl like her in my life.
"I'd like to believe I've done better in bed though." I smiled and she laughed. "Yeah, but I've been waiting for that chance for a while."
"Really? I couldn't tell." She joked wrapping her arm around my waist. I leaned in and kissed her.
"I'm so lucky to have you Naomi Reynolds." I said and kissed her again.
"Same here Lydia Hamilton." She smiled. "Which store do you want to go to next?"
"I don't really care honestly." I replied, but first I have to use the bathroom. I looked around and saw one next to a jewelry store and a shoe store.
"There's one." She said and took my bags from me. "Hurry baby."
"Ok." I ran into the bathroom, and did my business as fast as I could. When I came out, she wasn't there. I looked around scared and confused. "NAOMI?"
"What?" She asked appearing behind me, making me jump. I turned and saw her. I was curious as to where she went.
"Jesus shit. You scared me." I said taking my bags back.
"I'm sorry." She apologized. "I just saw something in this store window that I wanted to get. Don't be mad."
"I'm not mad, baby." I hugged her. "I just... Wait... Which store?"
"I won't tell you." She gave me her seductive smile. "You ready to get out of here? Maybe, I'll let you check it out."
"Yea. Let's go." I agreed and we walked out holding hands with our bags in the other hand. "Did you get what you wanted this time?"
"Yeah." She smiled. We put our bags in the back and drove home, but this time she didn't turn down the road to my house.
"Naomi, you missed the road to my house." I said pointing.
"I figured we'd go to where I was staying." She said. "Don't worry... it's not my parents' house. Just sit back and relax. We'll be there in a few minutes."
"Hey... is that the one with the Bluetooth connection?"
"Yeah. Go ahead." She answered. "Be my guest."
"Ok." I pulled out my phone and connected it to her car stereo. "What song do you want to listen to?"
"Oh it doesn't matter. Surprise me." She shrugged.
"Ok." I said a little more confused. "Just because I'm your girlfriend, doesn't mean you can treat me so nicely."
"Lydia... you are my girlfriend, but I really don't care what music you play on my damn stereo." She smiled. I could tell her eyes were gleaming from behind her new sunglasses. "I know we both like the same music."
"Okie dokie." I said searching for a song. Then I found the one I wanted to play for her. I remembered that we were watching a morning music channel after our first night together. We had considered it our song, and I have since. I clicked on the song to let it play Cheerleader by Omi on the radio. It play and on the first not, Naomi gasped. Then she smiled. "What about this one?"
"Lydia..." She paused. I could tell that she was really happy hearing this song for the first time in a long time. Well... hearing it with me for the first time in a long time. "I- I love you so much."
"Well... I love you so much more." I returned. Still looking at the road, she reached one hand down and grabbed mine to hold.
The next moment we were slamming each other into the walls of her apartment. We'd already dropped our bags on the floor in her living room, and we were kissing each other with full force trying to find the door to her bedroom. I have to say, she was very committed. We finally made our way to the door without looking, and she pushed me against it and walked over to kiss me again. She opened the door without stopping, and I nearly lost my balance because it was holding me up. She caught me before I fell. She pulled me back upright, and kissed me forcefully again holding my head to hers. I did the same. We walked over to the bed while kissing, and she shoved me to where I'd fall onto the bed.
I was laying there flat on my back while she ripped her own clothes off to where all she was wearing was her bra and underwear, and she jumped on top of me and kissed me. I put my hands on her hips as she leaned up and slowly pushed my dress over my head. Then all I was wearing was my bra and underwear. She slowly took the rest of my clothes off, and I did the same to her. My hands we back on her hips, and she leaned back over and kissed me. I moved my hands up her back, and then they were wrapped around her neck. Then she pulled away, and she was sitting on top off me. She gave me a seductive look and smile, and my hands were back on her hips as she ran hers down my stomach. Farther and farther down my stomach till she wasn't touching my stomach any more. I closed my eyes as she slipped her fingers slowly and softly narrowed down to their target. My breathing was heavy, and the feeling was incredible. I moved my hands to the bed and clutched the blanket, and she let out a small giggle.
When I was done, I wrapped my arms around her and flipped her to where she was now under me. I leaned over and kissed her softly, as I did the same. She closed her eyes, and moaned pleasantly. It seemed like for her the time was longer between these chances we got. Her moans got louder then they got calmer, and I knew she was done, and leaned up. I looked at her and she looked back at me and smiled. I leaned back down and kissed her passionately. Our heart beats racing as we breathed heavily. She rolled me back over, and now she was laying halfway on me as she kissed me. She was crazy for me, and I was crazy for her.
The next morning, the sun was shining through her bedroom window. She was laying behind me with her arm around me holding me close to her. I was very comfortable, and smiled. Both of our hair was over my face, and the scent mixture was beautiful. Hearing her soft breathing in my ear, and feeling her body pressed against mine was incredible. I love her, and I always will. I rolled over in her arms and buried my face between her neck and the pillow. She held m tighter and tighter, but she was careful not to be too tight. I wanted to stay in her arms forever. They were snug when wrapped around me, and longed for when not.
"Good morning beautiful." She greeted and petted my hair. "You know what I just realized?"
"What?" I asked, my face was still buried.
"You dyed the blue out of your hair." She answered.
"Yeah decided that I wanted to change it."
"Really? It looks nice."
"Thank you."
"So... you hungry?" She sighed.
"For more of last night." I joked.
"No. Food, silly. Real food." She laughed.
"Yeah." I answered laughing along with her.
"Good. I'll go and get started while you clean up." She said getting out of bed. She put on her pajamas and left the room. I just laid in the bed for a moment, and thought about how lucky I was that I had such a beautiful and amazing girlfriend. I also thought about how supportive she'd be to know about my job opportunity, considering how she said she'd help me out. In which she revealed the same dream.
I got up and put on my pajamas because I have a feeling we won't be leaving the apartment. I went to the vanity mirror in her bathroom, and I brushed my hair. I saw something gleam on my hand, but the first couple of times I passed it off as the silver band around my brush handle. Then I stopped because I realized that my hand was covering that band up. I looked at my hand and saw the most beautiful ring I had ever seen before. It was a gold band with three diamonds in a row. The middle was bigger than the other two. I gasped at how beautiful it was. When I turned around and walked out of the bathroom, she was standing in the room. I in tears and hugged her. She let go, backed up, and dropped on one knee while holding my hand.
"Oh my god." I said between breaths. I covered my mouth with my left hand, hoping to conceal my excitement. I was so happy, and now she's here wanting to be with me forever. The excitement was making my legs numb and shaky, and I was so happy. I loved her so much, and I was fighting every bone in my body not to say something before she asked.
"Lydia Hamilton, will you marry me?" She said with the biggest smile on her face. I pulled my hand away and sobbed into them. She'd stood up, and had her hands on my arms. She walked me over to the bed to sit down. I was so excited, I nearly fell while taking three steps to a bed. "Lydia, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." I shook my head sniffling. "I-I don't know what to say."
"Well 'yes' would be nice, but that's just my opinion." She shrugged.
"Ok. Ok." I breathed, and looked at her taking her hands in mine. "Yes. I will marry you, Naomi Reynolds."

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