Chapter 11-Taken

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"Calm down Lydia, and tell me what's going on." Connor said on the phone. I was taking deep breaths, trying to do what he said for me to do. I was freaking out so badly that my words mixed together.
"TherewasanoiseandwecheckeditoutandwhenIturnedaroundNaomiwasgone." I tried to explain. "She'sgoneandtheytookherpleasehelpmeConnor."
"Ok, ok. Calm down. I'll be there soon." I heard him say as he rustled out of bed. "Did you call the police?"
"YES!" I yelled frustrated and freaked. "Please help. Please hurry."
"I will." He hung up. It wasn't long before the police showed up, and were knocking on my door. I opened it, and Connor and the sheriff department showed up. Mom was also standing behind Connor. They had me seated at the dining table trying to keep me calm as I explained what happened. Mom was next to me while Connor and the Sheriff, Bryant Andrews, was across from us. "Lydia, did you see who it was?"
"Don't you think I'd tell you if I did?" I said angrily. "They took my wife."
"Lydia, baby, stay calm." Mom said grabbing my hand. "They need to ask these questions."
"Can you tell us exactly what happened?" Sheriff Andrews asked.
"Well..." I took a deep breath. "We woke up to a loud breaking nose. Like glass or something. Naomi got up and walked downstairs to see who it was, but she didn't come back up. I walked down to make sure she was ok, and she was gone. I never saw who took her, but I know someone did."
"SIR!" One of the officers called from the living room. "We've found something you may want to look at."
"Alright." Sheriff Andrews got up from the table, and walked over. The officer handed him a piece of paper and one of our picture frames, and he looked at it. Then walked back over to the table and sat them in front of me. It was a picture of me and Naomi kissing. The picture was torn in half and placed back in the frame, and my half of the picture was marked over. The writing on Naomi's side said, Bitch. I looked over to the note and read it. It said...

This will be your fault, Lydia. Don't you see it?
Technically... you killed her because you didn't love me.
You just had to be a bitch that day huh? Good luck finding
Your wife. I told you you'd pay for this, and now you'll pay
For this... Don't worry. We'll keep you updated on our progress.
You'd like that wouldn't you. Let's play a game. Let's see if
You can find her before we kill her. You have three days.
Starting on August tenth.

Reading the note made me scared, I burst into tears. I knew exactly who took Naomi, and it was my fault. "Lydia... August tenth is tomorrow. Well... today. Did someone have it out for you?"
"Yes." I answered. "Her name is Nora... Nora Murphy."
"But Lydia, this 'NS'."
"Maybe she got married. I don't know it's been five years." I dropped my head. "I didn't think she'd do something like this."
"Apparently, Lydia, it's more than one kidnapper." Connor said looking at the paper. "See, it says 'before we kill her'."
"Who do you think that Nora would be with?" Mom asked.
"I don't know. There was a guy with her at the mall. Apparently she was his girlfriend." I answered and mom scoffed. "I know, but I Naomi told me he was the guy who kept bothering her on the plane from California. I think she said his name was... K-Kyle something. Kyle... Sanchez. Something like that."
"Thank you Lydia." Sheriff Andrews said, and walked towards the living room. I turned to Connor worried.
"Connor?" I took a deep breath.
"She told me that he wanted have sex with her on the plane. Do you think that... that he'd...? You know..." I tried to get it out. "Hurt her."
"Do you mean rape?"
"Yeah." I nodded.
"I don't know, Lydia. I can't say that he will, then he doesn't; and I can't say that he won't, and he does." He answered calmly. "All I can say is I don't know, and we can hope for the best."
"Ok." I dropped my head. The weight of a sleepless night hanging over me, and now I was fighting my eyelids. Mom rubbed my back as I laid my head on the table in despair.
"Honey why don't you get some sleep?" She suggested. I shook my head. "Staying awake isn't going to help her."
"Neither is going to sleep." I replied. "So no matter what I do, I can't help her."
"You're doing what you can. You were able to tell us who it is, and why. Now all that's left is where."
"Yeah... Where?"

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