Chapter 13

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There's no way I can fight back against two demons, let alone just one. I'm dragged out the back door, leading out into an alley. I look around for someone, anyone, but see nobody.

Why would they want me? Is it because Muzan cares about me? I look down at my hands. What if I were to injure myself? Just enough to draw blood. Muzan should know instantly that I'm in danger.

The demon behind me is a lower Kizuki. I've heard his voice before.

"Keep walking." The demon behind me says, pushing me forward.

I watch as the demon in front of me looks away. I lift my hands, biting my wrist hard enough to draw blood. I flinch from the pain, holding in any sounds of my pain. Once I taste copper, I lower my hands.

Now, just have to stall them. I turn around and realize the demon is Wakuraba.

"What are you doing? Keep it moving." He says, grabbing my shoulder tightly.

I shake my head. "Muzan will kill you for this. Are you working with someone else? You look afraid that I might figure it out." I take a step towards him, trying to intimidate him even though we're nearly the same height.

"You don't know what your saying, Lyla. We are going to kill you." He tries to scare me.

"If you were going to kill me, you wouldn't have gotten me outside. You could've easily killed that shop owner. You didn't though?" I take a breath. "Why? You could kill me...right here and now. What's stopping you?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Who is stopping you?"

I look up and down the alleyway again. Who could be commanding him and this other demon? Is it an Upper Rank Demon?

"Just shut up already." He shoves me back, making me fall on my back. I sit up quickly. The quiet demon suddenly shoves Wakuraba.

"We gotta get out of here. Now!" That's when Wakuraba grabs my throat, holding me down onto the ground.

I try to kick him off. He tightens his grip around my throat. "This will make sure you can't rat me out." I try to cry out, but I can't breathe. My eyes water. His fingers digging into my throat.

I grab his wrist, shoving my fingernails into his skin. I won't go down without a fight.

He finally releases me, I gasp for air. Rolling onto my side, i cough and wheeze trying to catch my breath. I hear Wataruba's footsteps receding.

I suddenly hear Muzan's voice. "Lyla!" He appears next to me, carefully helping me sit up. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

I open my mouth to tell him about my throat but no sound comes out. My eyes widen.

"Lyla. Speak to me. What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"I..." I try to clear my throat. "M..." I point at my throat.

Muzan looks down at it, his fingers touch my throat carefully. "Someone...choked you. Injuring you so that you can tell me who did it." His voice is quiet.

I nod. Glad he was able to figure it out. He lifts me into his arms, a hard look on his face. He's clearly pissed off and trying to remain calm. He doesn't want to frighten me again.

We're suddenly standing in the Infinity Castle. I look up at Muzan. His eyes are glowing.

Akaza rushes over. "What happened to Lyla?" He asks. He's clearly worried about my safety. It's nice that he cares, but right now isn't the best time. I'm afraid Muzan might lash out at Akaza, but doesn't.

Muzan looks down at Akaza. "Someone tried to kidnap Lyla. She can't speak right now. Don't ask me anything else." Muzan's voice comes out monotone. Akaza shuts up as Muzan carries me into the bedroom, setting me on the bed. He sits beside me, holding out a paper and pen. "Do you know who tried to kidnap you?"

I take the paper and pen from him. I write down the word 'yes', showing it to him. He nods. "Do you know any names?" I write 'yes', again. He sighs. "Who?"

'Wataruba and an unknown demon.' I answer him truthfully.

His eyes continue glowing. 'He wasn't sent to kill me. Just kidnap me. He's working for someone else. That's all I know.' I look down, writing more. 'I tried to get more information from him. But the other demon knew you were coming'.

His eyes revert to normal. He wraps his arms around me. "I'll have food brought to us." He looks away. "I'm sorry...we couldn't have a pleasant date, Lyla." He leans away from me, suddenly vanishing.

I walk over to the bathroom, wiping dirt off of my dress and face. I have bruising already forming on my throat. I open my mouth to speak. '...'. My mouth moves but still nothing comes out.

I start to cry, not even a whimper escapes. I make fists as I kick off my shoes. I get on the bed, grabbing a pillow. I punch the crap out of the pillow, tearing at it, letting out all of my frustrations. I hear the fabric tear as I pull each end. It finally rips the rest of the way, feathers burst out all around me.

I catch my breath from exerting myself. I feel better after destroying a pillow. I hear the door open, my head snapping at the sound of it. It's Akaza.

I open my mouth to yell. 'What?'. I mouth.

Akaza's eyes travel to the pillow and back to my face. "You really can't talk, can you, Mouse?" He walks over to me. He picks up a feather, examining it. "Muzan is about to summon the Lower Kizuki members. You shouldn't go out there."

My eyes widen. He pushes stray strands of my hair back behind my ear, giving me a troubled smile.

I fix myself, going to the door, looking out. Muzan looks at Nakime. "Summon them now, Nakime." His voice giving away his anger. His threatening aura surrounding him.

What's he planning to do? Torture the information out of them? Kill them one at a time until someone gives him the information he's looking for.

I'm about to get my answers.

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