046, manon's birthday

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「 somebody to someone 」manon wright x sam golbachchapter 46

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somebody to someone
manon wright x sam golbach
chapter 46


She stood in the small party her friends had decided to throw, still in shock she was 26 years old.

Her parents, old school friends, roommates, Sam, Colby and Taylor had all come to celebrate. Manon placed her cup down and looked around, watching.

Sam and Colby had gone off somewhere, and Madeleine was talking to Sapphire Mason - an old friend that she hadn't seen in a while. Aurelie was laughing with her parents, Gracie and Taylor.


Her gaze tore away from her family to see Sam. He looked nervous. "Oh, hey! Where did you go?"

"Colby dragged me somewhere," he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. Her eyes narrowed. What was up with him? "Can I talk to you? Somewhere...away?"

Her heart started to race, but she nodded. "Yeah, of course."

Sam took her hand and led her away from everyone who was talking, laughing. They found a private little area and stopped.

He faced Manon and she raised an eyebrow.

It was silent between them for a moment, before he cursed under his breath. He took her face in his hands and closed the distance between them.

It felt like time stopped. She was sure it did. But then they pulled away and the world started again.

Their eyes met and it was a silent conversation.

"Manon, will you-"

She laughed. "Yes, Sam."

And the little distance was closed again.

"What are you writing?"

Manon looked up from her lyric book to see Taylor. "A new song I came up with. I dunno, I'm trying though."

"Can I see?"

The younger singer nodded and lifted the book up. Taylor's eyes scanned what Manon had written and a smile appeared. "It's beautiful. And very more like you now. Did something happen today?"

Manon looked away, thinking about that moment. "Not that I would've already told you."

Taylor nodded. "Right. Well, this...wow. It's amazing."

"You're writing another song?"

Sam gasped and clutched his chest. "Jesus Colby! Don't do that!"

"Well sorry, but that's the book you've dedicated to lyrics."

Sam glared at his brunette friend. "Yeah, I've got another one."

"Well show me, you impossible man child," Colby snatched the book up. His eyes began to read what was on the page. "Sam!"


"Who? Who is it?" Colby held the book up. "Who made you write this? On-"

His jaw dropped.

"Is it Manon?"

"Shut your mouth!"

"IT IS!"

clara speaks


𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄, sam golbach ¹Where stories live. Discover now