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Dayvon returned to the trap house, the sun beginning to rise over the Atlanta skyline

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Dayvon returned to the trap house, the sun beginning to rise over the Atlanta skyline. His mind buzzed with the information he had compelled from Jayda, and he knew he needed to share it with Durk. As he stepped inside, he found Durk sprawled on the couch, looking up from his phone with a questioning glance.

"You're back early," Durk remarked, sitting up. "What's the deal?"

Dayvon took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "I've got some intel on Sanaa. A reliable source filled me in on a few things."

Durk raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Oh yeah? And what did this 'reliable source' have to say?"

"Turns out Sanaa comes from a powerful bloodline of sirens," Dayvon began, watching Durk's reaction closely. "Her lineage is ancient, and it's why she's got more control over her powers than your average siren."

Durk's eyes widened, his usual calm demeanor slipping for a moment. "Ancient bloodline, huh? That's serious business. If she's got that kind of power, she could be a real asset—or a real threat."

"Exactly," Dayvon agreed, leaning against the wall. "We need to figure out a way to control her, or at least make sure she's on our side. If we can tap into her abilities, we could dominate this city."

Durk nodded slowly, his mind working through the possibilities. "But how do we do that? She's not exactly going to trust us after what you pulled at the club."

Dayvon smirked, a glint of cunning in his eyes. "We play it smart. We use her friends, her connections. We make her believe she's in danger and that we're the only ones who can protect her."

Durk leaned back, a thoughtful look on his face. "And if that doesn't work?"

"Then we find another way," Dayvon replied, his tone darkening. "But we need to be careful. This isn't just about power anymore—it's about survival. If word gets out about her bloodline, others will come for her. We need to act fast."

Durk sighed, rubbing his temples. "Alright, I'm in. But we do this my way. We keep it low-key, no unnecessary risks. Jayda can't know about this. She'll flip if she finds out we're messing with her friend."

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋, King VonWhere stories live. Discover now