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Dayvon woke up to the soft morning light filtering through the hotel room curtains

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Dayvon woke up to the soft morning light filtering through the hotel room curtains. He turned over, seeing Sanaa's naked body sprawled out beside him, her breathing even and peaceful. A wave of guilt washed over him, knowing he had to leave her to handle some business.

He leaned over, brushing a gentle kiss on her forehead before quietly slipping out of bed. Grabbing his phone, he saw the time and cursed under his breath. Durk was counting on him to help out with the full moon tonight. This one felt different, more intense, but they couldn't figure out why.

As he dressed, his mind raced with thoughts of the night before, the passion, and the connection he felt with Sanaa. He knew he was falling for her, but the mission still loomed over him.

"Yo, Durk," Dayvon said, stepping out onto the balcony and dialing his friend. "I'mma be there soon. Gotta handle this full moon thing."

"Man, you still with that girl?" Durk's voice crackled through the line. "We got work to do, bro. This moon ain't like the others."

Dayvon sighed, running a hand over his locs. "I know, I know. She asleep right now. Be there in a minute."

He hung up and glanced back at Sanaa, her figure barely visible under the sheets. His heart ached, but he knew he couldn't let Durk down. He scribbled a quick note, leaving it on the nightstand.

"Gotta go handle some business. Be back soon. Promise."

As he left the hotel room, he couldn't shake the feeling that something big was about to happen. The full moon's energy was different this time, and he had to be ready.

Dayvon arrived at the trap house, the place buzzing with energy as the full moon approached. Durk was pacing, his face lined with worry. The usual chill vibe was replaced with an undercurrent of tension.

"Yo, Von, glad you made it," Durk said, nodding at Dayvon as he walked in. "This moon got everyone on edge."

Dayvon could feel it too, a strange energy in the air. "Yeah, I feel it, bro. What we gotta do?"

Durk sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "Jayda scared out her mind, man. Our kid... he startin' to grow fangs. Messin' up the house and shit. She don't know how to handle it."

Dayvon frowned, knowing how much stress Jayda must be under. "Damn, that's wild. She alright?"

"Nah, she freakin' out," Durk admitted. "I ain't even know what to tell her. We gotta figure out what's goin' on with this moon, why it's so different."

Dayvon nodded, feeling the weight of the situation. "We got a plan or what?"

Durk ran a hand through his hair, looking more stressed than usual. "We gotta check out that old witch down by the bayou. She know more 'bout this moon than anybody else. Think she can help us."

"Aight, let's roll then," Dayvon said, grabbing his gear. He knew the full moon was no joke, but this time, it felt like they were walking into something much bigger.

As they headed out, Durk's phone buzzed with a message from Jayda. He read it quickly, shaking his head. "Jayda say the kid almost tore up the couch. She don't know what to do, man."

Dayvon felt a pang of sympathy. "We gotta fix this, Durk. Can't leave Jayda and the kid like that."

"Yeah, I know," Durk said, determination hardening his voice. "We gon' get to the bottom of this. This moon ain't gon' mess with our families."

The two of them drove in silence, the weight of their responsibilities heavy on their shoulders. The road to the bayou was long, but they knew they had to find answers before the full moon rose and brought chaos with it.

They needa Sanaa .

Sanaa's heart pounded in her chest as she swam through the dark, turbulent waters, clutching Demi tightly

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Sanaa's heart pounded in her chest as she swam through the dark, turbulent waters, clutching Demi tightly. The shadows of the deep sea seemed to close in around her, a constant reminder of the danger they faced. Tatia, the powerful witch, was relentless in her pursuit, and Sanaa knew that stopping was not an option.

Ever since Tatia had emerged from the depths of the ocean's dark lore, Sanaa and Demi had been on the run. The underwater kingdom, once a sanctuary, had become a battleground. Tatia's dark magic had tainted the water, making it difficult to find a safe place to hide.

Demi, despite her tender age, seemed to sense the gravity of their situation. Her wide, curious eyes were now filled with a silent understanding. "Mama, are we gonna be okay?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Sanaa forced a smile, trying to mask her fear. "Yes, my love. We're going to be okay. We just need to stay strong and keep moving."

They had been moving for what felt like hours, the once familiar underwater terrain now a maze of danger and uncertainty. Sanaa knew they needed a plan, and fast. She couldn't keep running forever, especially with Demi in tow.

Just as fatigue was beginning to set in, they found a small underwater cave. It was hidden by thick seaweed and coral, offering a temporary respite from the relentless pursuit. Sanaa guided Demi inside, her heart still racing.

"Stay close to me, Demi," she whispered, wrapping her arms around her daughter. The cave was damp and cold, but it was a safe haven for the moment.

As they settled in, Sanaa's mind raced with thoughts of Tatia. The witch was not just after Sanaa; she wanted Demi too. Tatia believed that the combined power of Sanaa and Demi held the key to a dark magic she desired. Sanaa knew she had to protect her daughter at all costs.

Hours passed, and the cave remained eerily silent. Sanaa knew they couldn't stay there forever, but she needed a plan. As she held Demi close, her thoughts drifted to her father and grandmother. Maybe they had some answers, some way to defeat Tatia.

Sanaa whispered a silent prayer to the ocean, hoping for guidance. She couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋, King VonWhere stories live. Discover now