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Sitting in front of my mother in-law, yes. Mrs.Manithikhun.

As I was returning from the park i encountered her in the middle of road. She was with her guard, she dragged me to a nearby cafe.

I don't know why, but she said she have something to tell me. That's why, i agreed to come with her here.

My eyes were sore and red, and yes she noticed them but didn't question me. She silently ordered coffee for herself while I refused to buy anything.

“So…James supamonkon Manithikhun. right?” she said, more like mocking me. I nodded and her and heard her further, “Then you must be confused about my decision of getting you married with my son, when I myself separated you two in past, right?”

“Yes, and I want answers.” i declared as she briefly spoke, “Okay then hear me out…”

Sipping her coffee she continued with her ever sweet face which hides alot of dangerous venoms.

“Its true I forced you to leave my son, after your separation net himself joined his dad in business. He started working how i expected, and yeah. We are now the top business company in Bangkok, and after that we decided to get him marry with some wealthy partners. Your dad, was the closest one and wealthy for our business. After five years your dad's company grew alot which impressed me so I myself asked your dad for you. And now, you two are here.”

I really wanted to throw a punch on her, but she's woman. I literally was disgusted by her, “So, the reason for ruining my life was to get more wealthy? Is it?” I asked her. Calm tone I had ever used.

“Yes, but now I'm happy that our business is going very good. Net is also with you who he loved in past, and he's also in business like i wanted. Everything is according to me, so I'm happy.” she completed.

I sighed, “Okay, thank you so much, you literally ruined my whole life with your selfishness.” I declared and took my phone from the table proceeding to leave the cafe, but she continued.

“Lets have an agreement.” she proposed. I froze and looked at her confusingly, “What agreement?” I asked, “A contract, for my son's future and business benefits.”

I stared at her for some explanation, “I want you to sign a contract, I want you to read this.” her hand holding some papers, she handed me those.

I took the papers and layed my eyes in it, reading every sentence and word i understood what she wanted.


I looked at her, “How come this agreement will work? What if he don't want kids from me in less than two years?” i asked.


Wife of Net siraphop Manithikhun, James supamonkon Manithikhun have to give birth to a grandchild in two years. If he won't be able to do as the owner pleases then he have to divorce his husband and leave all the property behind without causing trouble.

“It is not my fault, you have to do it. You have to convince net for this. You have to become a mother. In two years time. I gave you enough time and nice deal. If you did it then you can be with net for your whole life.” I looked at her, “Mrs.Manithikhun, having kids takes time and needs understanding.” i spoke.

“And about net, he is hating me now. How will I be able to convince him even if I want to have kids?” I asked out of irritation.

Remembering the attitude he showed me, I am sure he hated me to core. Having kids is a far thing, he will never wanna be my kids' father.

“I will help you, I can force him you just do what you have to.” she spoke, “Everytime forcing doesn't work.” i declared.

“I can do anything, just do what you have to.” taking her expensive bag, she stood up, “I hope I will become a grandmother of a cute kid in upcoming years.” getting a pen from her bag she passed it to me, “Sign it.”

“I won't.” I refused.

“James, you have no oth—”

Taking the pen from her, i signed it.

She can't leave me without me signing it. As I remember how she made me vulnerable in past for leaving net. Now she wants to ruin me more.

One thing I learnt about her.

She won't leave until her work is done.



I nodded, “But i can't.” i cried as she begged in her knees to me for leaving my love. Net.

“James, you have to.” she begged, I nodded, “I can't, bu-but net will be hurt.” I tried to make her understand.

“I will be his shoulder.” I nodded again.

My heart was saying ‘Don't’ but my mind was saying ‘do it’

“James…” her eyes crying, “I won't.” i declared strongly. I can never leave net for some mere reason. Even if she is crying I can't hurt net.

I know net loves me, and I can't hurt him.

“So, you are stone hearted.” she stopped crying, “Huh?”

“Okay then, i will go with the rude treatment.”

My face fell to the left as a strong impact caused my cheek burn, my cheek burning with the intense slap. She slapped me.

My chair fell down as my head hit the tile floor, “ah.” I growled in pain, my head spinning.

“Jamessu…” I heard my mother's voice. Huh.


“Mom?” I said as I looked up, she was holding her phone while the call was ongoing.

“Jamessu.” I heard again, “Mom!!!” I yelled.

She disconnected the call, “You want them safe, right?” my eyes widened, i was confused for past minutes but now…

“No!” I yelled at her, “Then break up with net. Tomorrow.” I cried hard. The cry was never evident in my life, my family was now in danger. And I'm the ray of hope.

“Choice is yours.” she smirked, how i wish to kill her.

“O-okay. I-i will do as y-you sa-said.”

“I-i will leav-leave net.”





I AM SORRY | NETJAMES Where stories live. Discover now