Chapter Twenty One: Skin

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Reid drew people's attention effortlessly. Gone was the slightly awkward boy I knew. He radiated charm; integrating himself into Kennedy and Tony's friend groups effortlessly, smiling and offering anecdotes.

The shock of Reid's presence still lingered in my mind like a bad dream. I couldn't look into his eyes without my headache intensifying. This type of pain was visceral; it made you claw at your own skin, until you were crawling with your own guilt.

Nick reassured me with his eye contact throughout the rehearsal. When it ended, he went straight over to stand by my side, not bothering to join in with the rest of the group. Nick just held my hand, taking my cheek with his other hand. His thumb, skating over my cheekbone, provided a reassuring rhythm to settle my heart.

"How are you feeling?" Nick asked me quietly. His worried eyes gauged mine. I avoided his eyes, resisting the urge to look over at Reid again.

"Everything's fine." I focused on Nick's nose, offering him a warm smile. "How about getting some food? I want to talk to Kennedy and Cleo."

"But you won't talk to me." Nick replied plainly. I could hear the hurt in his voice. 

I sighed, thinking about how to make Nick understand my point. "Because I have nothing to say anymore. Reid is here with Nina. I want to be with you, and I want you to believe me." 

I spoke assertively, but I was only trying to convince myself of the truth. Nick gave me a reassured smile. I smiled hesitantly back and took his arm. We walked over to the rest of the guests, mingling as I took a glass of champagne from a waiter. 

When Kennedy spotted us, she hurried over. "How was the rehearsal?" she asked, looking radiant. The joy of the day made her skin glow with beauty, like Venus had cast her blessing on my best friend.

"Perfect. If tomorrow goes like that, everything will be amazing." I took her hand in mine, doing my best to reassure my best friend of her success.

Kennedy smiled at us, her eyes sparkling. "I know, right? Tony was perfect."

I patted my boyfriend's lapel, my mouth tipping to the side in a smirk. "So was Nick."

Nick gave me a little smile in reward, kissing me on the cheek. I felt someone's eyes on my back. I cleared my throat, keeping my smile fixed. "I have to go to the bathroom, but I'll see you guys later."

I waved to Nick and Kennedy and left the garden for the hotel, thoughts racing through my head. Reid's eyes were fresh in my mind again, warm brown and sweet. I'd never forget the way he looked at me today. It was like he was lost in the desert, then he found an oasis in me.

I walked blindly to the hotel bathroom but before I could, I felt someone behind me. I turned around to see Nina staring at me coldly, her arms crossed.

"Hi, Mallory." my ex friend greeted coolly, studying me. Nina looked more beautiful than ever, dressed in a neat white two-piece dress and golden sandals. Her makeup was light but sweet, emphasising the wideness of her eyes. Her hair was natural around her face, rather than being put up in a protective style.

I raised my eyebrows, preparing myself for a confrontation. "Why do you think it would be a good idea for us to talk?"

"If we don't talk now, then when will we talk? No one knows where you are. I can't reach you." Nina stated arrogantly. She eyed me, her red mouth pursed.

I let go of the door and raised my arms to the ceiling, over this situation. "Fine. Then go ahead and talk."

She crossed her arms, staring me down. "Reid is my boyfriend."

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