6. Saturday dinners' problems

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I spent the next few days avoiding Hawk. I felt uncomfortable around him since Saturday.

He tried to talk to me a couple of times, but eventually realised that I needed to be left alone, and complied with my wishes.

I never expected to say it, but since Hawk had become my roommate, the house never felt empty. In fact, at times I felt the need to get out.

That's why it surprised me to finally have some quiet, but what surprised me even more was how uneasy I was around that silence. I tried going to crowded places to feel better, yet it only seemed to worsen my mood or cause me headaches.

Lessons started on Monday, and the semester finally began, but not even the hustle and bustle of everyday life could distract me from the stiffness in my chest.

I needed to make up with Hawk, somehow.

But how do you make up with someone you never fought?

Without thinking much about it, I decided to buy him food. ''I'd like a caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream and two doughnuts on the side please.'' I almost gagged at the sweetness of my purchase.

When I went back to the apartment, the same eerie silence greeted me.

I neatly put my things back while trying to find the courage to knock on his door.

Courage that never came. I placed the drink and doughnuts on the kitchen table and headed for a shower.

When I went back to get a glass of water, pop music could be heard coming from his room, and the kitchen table was empty.

He had accepted my peace offering (or just stolen my food).

Still, it did the job, because the day after - Friday - he was once again constantly bothering me, only this time I despised it a little less.


It took some time, but eventually Robin was ready to be around me again.

I didn't know what happened, or maybe I knew and just pretended I didn't.

Still, I earned a super tasty drink and two doughnuts, so I shouldn't whine about it.

I didn't like how she implemented the spray bottle among her methods to chase me out of her room, but it wasn't as bad once I got used to it. Plus, if I was thirsty I just needed to annoy her now.

I don't really know what Robin did during the first week of the semester since she was almost never at home, but I made sure to fill her in about my university life.

I had seen her brother in the halls a couple of times, but he didn't acknowledge me if she wasn't around (this I didn't tell her).

He was always surrounded by people, so I couldn't even go up to him to say "hi", but still he could've... I don't know- nodded in my direction? Smiled?

Yet the best I got was a prolonged eye contact every now and then.

He was a weird guy, and somehow reminded me of Robin.

I was still happy to see him on Saturday. To attend that club I had to read more than I ever had in my entire life, but it was still worth it.

Robin probably caught onto my little crush - if that is what it was. Maybe infatuation, attraction. Still, whether out of politeness or disinterest, she didn't say anything about it.

Things with my sister were awkward on Saturday, and I had the vague suspicion that they knew each other, but Fayette seemed as confused as me, so I ruled out that possibility.

Robin and Hawk (or Hawk and Robin)Where stories live. Discover now